Levi x Scared! Reader

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A/n: For a while, here's a one-shot. I hope you guys are enjoying the Chat room so far. I wanna see your reactions about the stories I'm making, just for fun. I wanna improve my writing skillz too. And this one shot is dedicated to those who are scared of thunderstorms.

Anyways, after this one shot, I'll continue with the Recon High School G.C. and expect the unexpected!

(Y/n)'s POV

Flash. Crack then boom.

Those things I didn't wanna hear and see. Heck, killing titans were easy af. Dealing with Hanji and her titans, yeah, I can live, fortunately. Dealing with the room I'm in now, which is right across the scary, short, Heichou's office? I'm trying my best to live. And luckily, I am.

Then that horrifying sound and lighting again.

I really hate those damned thunderstorms.

Yeah, I'm scared of thunderstorms. You read that right. It's childish but... I am! So don't judge.

I flinched and squealed. I hid under my covers and shook back and forth. 'Please go away, please go away...'

Then that freaking flash. I covered my ears and awaited for the wor-

"Aaah!!" I flinched once again and remained under the protection of my blanky. 'It's okay, breathe in... exhale... inhale... breath-'


"Oh my Maria!!!" I covered my ears again and I still heard the cracking of the damn sky. This is why I never want to watch any titan-shifter transform or something.

"Aaaaah!!!" I got up, but still under my covers. I shook back and forth. "It's gonna go away, it's gonna go away, it's gonna go away..." I muttered to myself.


I flinched at the sudden noise. I wasn't warned this time. There wasn't a white flash or something!

"Waaah!!!" I screamed and flinched, again. I whimpered and took off the blanket covering my vision of my room. But what I saw shocked me.

No, not another flash of lightning, thankfully. It's more scarier. Oi, redundancy is important for emphasizing things. It's how I roll.

"Brat, why were you screaming for the last 2 hours?" A little Captain asked by my open door. So the door was the boom from a while ago. "Wha... I'm okay, C-corporal. Sorry if I disturbed your slumber... Or W-what ever you call that thing..." I mumbled.
Then my enemy strikes again. I took cover and whimpered. In front of Corporal Levi, but I didn't give a damn.

"Tch. I'm just doing paperwork, Cadet. Now what's up with you?" I can hear footsteps going to my bed. I curled myself into a ball and let him do...God knows what.

"Isn't paperwork important, Heichou?" I showed my face to him, only to find that he was looking directly at me. My face lit up a bit.

"And you need rest too, Captain. You look like a..." I controlled my mouth from saying the things I shouldn't say. "Never mind. You should rest, Captain." I sighed. Then a white flash lit my room up. Followed by a loud thunder that shook the whole Headquarters.

I quickly hid under the covers again and squeaked. I shook back and forth, mumbling useless things to me. "Go away, go away..." I peeked from under my comfort zone and saw Heichou sitting on a chair beside my bed. "Is it gone?" I unconsciously stated. I looked outside my humongous window and checked if there were any signs of upcoming lightning and thunder.

Then I heard a deep chuckle. I curiously looked at my snickering Captain. "So you're scared of thunderstorms, Hm?" He teased with that blinding smirk of his. My face heated up at the unexpected things coming from a stoic, emotionless, and scary Captain. "I'm n-not! What makes y-you think that?" I defended myself as I sat up, but still my blanket is hugging my body. Because why not?

"Judging by your actions. It's so damn obvious, brat." He answered in a cocky manner. He smirked again and leaned forward, resting his elbows on his thighs. I quirked my brow.

"Um, what happened to paperwork?" "I have a lot of time to do that. Now sleep. You'll need energy tomorrow." He remained his gaze on me. I felt insecure and happy at the same time, my long-time crush was here, in my room, watching me go to sleep, because I can't.

I sighed in defeat and shut my eyes.

A moment of sile-


I shot my eyes open and sat up. I covered my ears immediately and waited for the thunder. Then it happened. 5x louder than the last time. I nearly screamed. I just squeaked, thankfully. "Argh!" I threw the covers off my body and I caught my breath, 'cause I was holding it in since the current flash. "(L/n), it's gonna be okay. I'm here. The lightning won't touch you here, so don't worry." My Captain spoke up. I wiped the sweat off my forehead and decided to lie down again.

"Captain Levi, how about you? You need sleep as well, might as well go back to your room." I said, looking at him. He stayed silent for a while. He leaned back on the chair. His hands covered his face.

After a while of thinking, I guess, he removed his hands from his face, to show the most smexiest smirk ever.

Like I said about redundancy a while ago...

"In fact you're right, Cadet (Y/n) (L/n)." Huh? What's with saying my full name? And the way he said it? Never knew he has this side of his.

"Huh?" "Move, (L/n)." My mouth was ajar. Did I just hear that right?

'No, he just wanted me to move. Nothing more, nothing less. I hope.'

"S-sir?" "I didn't stutter, did I, brat? Now move." I quickly moved to the edge to my right. "Why did you..." He walked to my bed and removed his boots. He was just wearing a white shirt and white pants, so...

He lied down beside me and pulled the covers to cover us. My cheeks turned cherry red.

"Captain?!" "Tch. Just call me Levi when we're all alone." I nodded silently. I liked the way his name rolled out of my tongue when I said his name. 'Levi...' Interrupting my thoughts, he moved closer to me and wrapped an arm around my waist. I blushed more and can't think properly.

"W-why are you d-doing this, Levi?" "Because why not?" "Paperwork." He stayed silent for the last 5 seconds, then sighed. The words he said shocked me. Seriously shocked me big time.

"You're more important than paperwork, (Y/n)."

I froze on my spot and can't form coherent words anymore.



I squeaked for the 100th time. But before I could cover my ears, Levi immediately hugged me tightly, but not tight enough to make me suffocate. He buried my face to his chest, making me hear his heartbeat. I can still feel the vibrations from the thunder, but I didn't hear the thunder itself. His heartbeat was the only thing I can hear.

"You okay?" He suddenly asks. "It's gone?" "Yeah. You can sleep now, brat. I'm here. I'll protect you from those damned thunders."

OMG, this girl is so flattered!!!

I exhaled and hugged him the same way he hugged me.

"Thank you, Levi."

" 'Thank you'?"

"For helping me chase my fear away." I looked up at him and kissed his cheek. I shut my eyes and let darkness consume me.
But the last thing I heard was:

"Your welcome, love."

[Next Multi-shot: **Levi x Reader ♡~ Recon High School G.C. ~♡ -Part 8 & 9-]

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