[CRACK!] Levi x Reader

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This is a sequel to the 'Recon Highschool G.C. chat room'.

[8:32 p.m.]

(Y/n)'s POV

"HOLY SHIT!" I screamed before standing up and running to the door. I immediately saw Mikasa on her phone, but she looked at me when I ran out of my room.

"We are SO dead, Mikasa!!" I grabbed her shoulders and shook her back and forth. "This is all Hanji's fault!!" I hopelessly screamed at her. She grabbed my shoulders and pat my head hard.

"I know!" She stated in her monotone voice. I feel like I was going to explode right now. My lifetime crush just threatened my life! Or my virginity. I don't actually know.


I quickly ran downstairs to see Eren, Armin, and Erwin laughing together, drinking milk and eating Ramen noodles.

Okay, what the fuck?

I grabbed the nearest shoe and threw it at them. It landed on Armin's food bowl.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!" He shouted at the top of his lungs. "ARMIN IT'S JUST A SHOE!" Eren tried calming him down by trying to shove a spoonful of milk in his mouth, but it spilled in the process.

"THIS BOWL HAS MULTI-PURPOSES!" He complains before going near his bowl. He looked so serious while staring at it.

Atleast he calmed do-

"IT'S DIRTY NOW!" He shouted, again. I face-palmed and grabbed another shoe, ready to throw.

"I USE THIS BOWL FOR FOOD, AND FOR GROOMING PURPOSES!" He was right. That bowl was reserved for him.

"Like what?" Erwin sounded a little bit pissed. "I CUT MY HAIR WITH THIS!!!" The room was dead silent. Armin was panting because of yelling too much, and about time. His eyes landed on me.

"YOU THREW THE SHOE?!" He shouts. I rolled my eyes and raised the other shoe in my grasp. "Oh, me? Oh no, I didn't. Actually, I'm in the process of throwing another one." I threw the black shoe, but it didn't hit Armin.

It hit Erwin's face who was just watching me a while ago. Specifically, it hit his eyebrows.

"What the- That hurt!" Erwin rubbed his eyebrows and grabbed a spoonful of milk. I curled my brow and watched him intently.

He raised the spoon slowly to his eyebrows, and poked them with it.

"Calm down, babies." I heard him mutter. Eren was laughing so hard that he fell down the couch. As for Mikasa, she still didn't come down.

"HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO EAT FOOD NOW?!" Armin still continued yelling, upset about the shoe in his bowl. "Oh, I don't know. OPEN YOUR MOUTH?! FUCKING INGEST THE FOOD?!" I shouted.

I heard a car park outside the house, silencing all of us. Mikasa came down the stairs and stood beside me. She squinted her eyes at the door.

The footsteps of the unknown being came closer to our door.

Armin finally stopped staring at his bowl and looked up.

Erwin finally dried his milk-soaked brows.

Eren got up and stood his ground and continued eating noodles.

Then my doorbell rang.

Mikasa suddenly pushed me forward and set me in front of my door. I turned around and glared at her.

"What the fuck was that for?" I whispered. "This is your house. Go answer the damned door." She stated and got her own Ramen bowl. Then the being outside my door started knocking. I gasped and hesitated.

[AOT] All About Levi Ackerman (Oneshots, Head canons, Etc.)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن