Don't go

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Damien's POV

I walked back into the waiting area to see the rest of the smosh family there. "Hey guys." I said as I sat next to Olivia. "How's she doing?" Flitz asked as they all sat in chairs around me. "Oh, well she doesn't look too good. She's beaten bruised cut up. She's gonna have to stay here for a couple of days." I explain to them.

"Well at least they are taking care of her." Ian said. We all sat in silence until we heard a scream. We all looked at each other woth worried expressions. "DON'T TOUCH ME!" We heard y/n's voice yell. I stood up and walked to what was happening when I was pushed out of the way by a doctor. "Y/n it's doctor Hunt everything is ok. Calm down. Shayne can I talk to you outside please." He said.

Shayne walked out with the doctor before he closed the door. "Ok so, y/n needs to be with family, her brother maybe if anyone of you is close enough to feel like a brother or sister. No love interests." Doctor Hunt explained. "Why, I don't see why I can't go in there and calm her down." Shayne said. I patted his back before Doctor Hunt explained. "Since this is happened and since that man was a love interest before she has trauma that it will happen again and she's afraid."

Shayne looked to the floor and nodded. "Ok, I'll go get Ian." Shayne said before he walked off. The doctor went back in the room and I ran up to Shayne. "Hey Shayne are you ok?" I asked as I faced him. I looked into his eyes and saw tears streaming down his face. "I just can't help but think that the girl I love is afraid of me because of something Ethan did. I'm not like him. I would never hurt her. I can't stand to see her like this." He said. I hugged him and he let a few sobs out on my shoulder.

As we walked back to the group we sat in two empty chairs. "Did anyone bring a vlog camera?" Wes asked. "Yeah it's in the bag we always have it with us." Mari said. Wes grabbed it and turned it on. "Hey guys so today. We are at the hospital." Wes said to the camera. "Yeah and we are hear because of four certain people." Noah said. They bring the camera to me and Shayne and sit it in front of us. "These are two of them." Noah says while squatting down in front of us.

"Yeah so a couple hours ago or I guess last night, y/n, Shayne, Courtney and I got into an accident." I said. He looked at Shayne then Noah. "We will elaborate more later." Noah said to the camera and turned it off. "Hey Noah could I take the camera and explain what happened." Courtney asked said before being handed the camera. "Damien Shayne follow me." She said as she led us to an empty room. Courtney turned on the camera and began to speak.

"Hey guys. So umm, last night y/n, Shayne, Damien and I uh. We experienced something....traumatic. Something we never thought would happen to any of us." Courtney says. I nod for her to continue. "So you are probably wondering why y/n isn't with us at the moment. But back in high school y/n and I met a guy and he started to go out with y/n. What she didn't tell me or Ian or Anthony was that she was in an abusive relationship." Courtney says.

I looked at Shayne and he looked like he was about to burst into tears. "So one night they went to a party where he got very high and drunk and almost killed her. She told me and Ian absolutely everything that was going on and we helped her through it and told Anthony and she eventually broke up with him after finding out he was cheating on her and humiliating her in public." Courtney looked at me as if to say continue.

"So years months after the break up she joined smosh and that has helped her. But a few weeks or days after she joined smosh he came to her house and he hurt her again.....she was fine after that for months. Then we had smosh summer games and he came back to her house looking for her then shot Anthony." I said before taking a deep breath. "He went to jail but escaped and contacted y/n and Courtney. We went over to her house to make her feel safe but he broke in." I said before looking at Shayne.

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