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(⚠️WARNING⚠️ this chapter contains violence and abuse.)

Anthony's POV

I walked back into the house after my run. I locked the door and walked over to my phone and looked at the time. It was 8:00 and I had three texts from Ian.

'Hey Anthony we are on our way back from summer games tomorrow'
'Y/n misses you a lot'
'See you soon'

I smiled at the messages. I was about to text y/n when I heard a knock at the door. I stood up and walked over to it. I opened the door and saw Ethan. "What are you doing here? And why are you covered in blood!?" I asked him. He smirked and looked down. "There's a lot of things that y/n didn't tell you about me. You know I loved y/n." "If you loved my sister why did you beat her!" I yelled taking a step closer to him. "You see I never wanted to do that. But if she wasn't such a bitch I wouldn't have to."

I clenched my fists and looked down. There was blood all over his body. "Ethan, what the FUCK do you want." I said sternly. I glared at him looking deep into his eyes. "I want you dead." He said before punching me in the face. I spat blood into his face before punching it. He hit me back twice as hard and I fell to the ground. He kicked my side and I could feel my ribs breaking.

I looked up at him and saw he pulled a gun out of his pocket. I heard sirens and so did he. Ethan quickly shot me in the stomach before running out of the driveway. I groaned in pain. I clutched my stomach and saw an ambulance rush into the driveway. Before I could see anything else, everything went dark.


***time skip***

Your POV

We arrived at the hospital around 10:00 I had stopped crying and was now waiting to see my brother. We all hopped out of the vans and I rushed into the hospital with everyone else following behind me.

I ran to the front desk and the woman looked a bit frightened. "Where is Anthony Padilla's room." I asked while trying to catch my breath. "I'm sorry dear but he is in surgery right now. We will have a nurse come and talk with you in a moment." The lady said. I slammed my hands on the desk and walked away. I walked into Shayne's arms and he hugged me. "So where is he?" Ian asked while taking a seat.

Everyone sat in chairs worrying. "He's in surgery." I said while sitting in a chair next to Mari. I saw a police man walk by and go over to the desk. I couldn't hear what he said but afterwards he walked towards me. "Excuse me ma'am are you Y/n Padilla?" He asked calmly. I nodded my head. "Come with me." He said. I stood up and so did Shayne. "I'm going to." He said. The police officer nodded his head and started walking towards a hallway. I looked back at Shayne and motioned for him to follow.

"I couldn't let you go alone." I heard him say making me smile. We walked over to the officer and I leaned against the wall. "Ma'am does the name Ethan Larson ring a bell." He asked while looking at a piece of paper. "Yeah, he's uh, he's my ex boyfriend." I said while looking down. "Does he have any experience with drugs, alcohol and homicide." The officer asked sternly. I looked at Shayne before answering. "Y-yeah. He uh, we were at a party about a year ago, and he got into a fight with his friend. He had been drinking and smoking that night and he started punching him to death. I tried to pull him off but he punched me and started to um, started to cut me with a knife he found. He uh, he stalked me after we broke up and he, he raped me and uh, he shot my best friends in the head after I told them what he did. He went to jail for one night before he was found not guilty and was bailed out." I said with no emotion.

The officer looked at me shocked. "Well he won't be bothering you anymore. We will place him in jail and put a restraining order on him. He won't be able to go near you." He said before walking away. I looked at Shayne before sliding down the wall in tears. He ran over to me and sat down next to me wrapping his arms around me. I laid my head on his shoulder. "Don't worry y/n, he's not gonna harm you any more." Shayne said.

We stood up and walked back to the group. When we got their I saw the police and I saw Ethan in handcuffs. I stormed over to him and slapped him across the face. "You took EVERYTHING from me!" I yelled at his face. He turned his head and looked at me with a smirk. "I hope you burn in hell you bitch." I spat in his face before I got pulled back by Ian. "Oh you brought your brothers gay lover too." He said Ian ran up to him and tried to punch him. "Ian, don't, it's just what his wants." Shayne said with his hand on his shoulder.

Ian turned around and stormed off and sat next to Courtney. I sat down next to Sohinki and held my head in my hands. He rubbed my back and I leaned into him. "He's gonna be ok n/n." He said softly. I heard the doors open and I looked up to see a nurse. "Are you y/n Padilla?" She asked. I nodded my head. "Ok, Anthony has just gotten out of surgery he'll wake up shortly. You can go see him." She said. "We got the bullet out and his fixed his ribs. He can leave in the morning."

We walked to his room and me and Ian entered first. I knocked slightly on the door and saw his eyes flutter opened. I felt tears go down my cheeks and o rushed over to his side. "Hey Ant." I said giving him a kiss on the forehead. "Y/n, Ethan he-" "I know, he's gone now, we don't have to deal with him anymore." I said cutting him off. He smiled relaxed then saw Ian. "Ian, you came." He said in a happy tone. "We all came." Ian said. Shortly after everyone made their way inside. "Hey everyone." Anthony said. "Hey Anthony you don't know me but I'm Damien and this is Boze, we are new smosh games members." Damien said holding his hand out.

Anthony shook his hand and waved to Boze. Damien wrapped his arm around my shoulder and Anthony raised an eyebrow. "Are you two.." he said making me laugh and shake my head. Damien left my side and went to stand next to Joven. "No, me and Damien are just great friends." I said before looking at Shayne I held out my hand and Shayne took it. I took Anthony's hand in my other.

"Ok guys, it's getting late, you should head home. We leva win the morning." I said to them. They nodded an all said their goodbyes. Ian left last while Shayne didn't leave at all. "Shayne you can go, I'll stay with him." I said. Shayne didn't budge. I stood up and told Anthony I'll be back and headed outside the room with Shayne. "You can go ok, I'll see you tomorrow, just drop my stuff off at the house." I said.

Shayne kissed me gently before smiling. "Ok, I'll see you tomorrow." He said before slowly walking away like a goofball making me smile. I walked back in the room and saw a smirking Anthony. "So you and him." I nodded before I laughed. "Shut up Anthony." I said while laughing. I laid down on the bed beside him and he wrapped his one arm around me. We both laid their laughing before we slowly fell asleep.

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