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Your POV

Ian took me to his office where Matt Raub and Sunny currently were. "Oh my gosh y/n what happened." Sunny said as Ian sat me on the couch. I was still sobbing, my face was bright red. "S-sh-Shayne i-is." Was all I could make out before I started to cry even more. I heard my phone ring and I grabbed it to see who it was. '❤️Shayne❤️' is what it said. I chucked my phone across the room which made all of them have shocked faces.

Eventually I calmed down and began to explain what happened. "So I was at Shayne and Damien's apartment. Damien left to get lunch while Shayne and I were in Shayne's room. His phone rang and I looked at who was calling him and it was some girl named Taylor. I immediately thought the worst and I guess I was right." I said while I leaned back on the couch. Ian put his arm around me and let me rest my head on his shoulder.

"What did Shayne say about Taylor?" Matt Asked a little concerned. "He said that they just met and that they were friends." I answered. Matt looked up to the sky and sighed. "Y/n, he's not cheating on you. Last night I was with Tim and Shayne at the bar. Taylor and Shayne started talking and he told her about Tim and set them up on a date. She was probably calling to thank him." As soon as I heard those words I felt my heart stop.

I leaned down and ran my hands through my hair while groaning. "Why is life so hard." I screamed into my hands. Ian patted me on the back while Sunny grabbed my phone. "Hello." He said. I didn't hear anything for a while until Sunny spoke again. "Yeah she's right here." He said before giving me the phone. I grabbed it and put it up to my ear. "Hello." I said nervously. "Hey n/n." They said.

"Oh, hey Damien." I said sadly. "Where's Shayne." I asked afraid of the answer. "Well Shayne called you, and since you didn't answer he went looking for you, look y/n he didn't cheat on you he didn't do anything." "I, I know. Matt explained everything to me. I feel terrible." I said sadly. "Y/n, you left over an hour ago, He's been gone for almost the same amount of time. He won't answer any of our phone calls." My heart stopped at his words.

I stood up and started to run out the door with Ian, Sunny and Matt slowly following me. I hung up the phone and heard my name being called. "Y/N! Wait." Matt said. "What's wrong." "Shayne's gone. He won't answer anyone's calls he's missing." I exclaimed before running out of the building and into the street.

I ran down random streets where I would think Shayne would go. I grabbed my phone and dialled his number. 'Ring.......Ring...........ring.........' 'Hello?' "Shayne, it's me. I'm so sorry I should've listened to you, where are you, are you hurt." I said while slowing down my pace. I heard him chuckle through the phone.

'I'm alright, I'm sorry too, I should've told you about Taylor. I feel awful.' I sighed in relief. I saw someone with a light brown hat and a denim jacket. I smirked knowing exactly who it was. I felt rain start to hit my head and saw everyone on the street start to walk inside but him. I hung up the phone when I saw him turn around.

The street was now empty, it was just us. Shayne and I. We were about 30 feet apart. I started walking forward and so did he. I started to walk faster before going into a full sprint. I was drenched in rain but I didn't care. I jumped in Shayne's arms and kissed him. We stayed like that for what felt like forever.

We I pulled back I smiled at him. "I love you." He said softly. I wrapped my arms around his neck and smiled even more. "I love you too." I hugged him tighter and smiled wide. He placed me down on my feet gently before grabbing my hand and running into a building.

I recognized the lobby and knew we were going to his apartment. Once we reached his floor we got to his door and opened it to see the worried faces of our friends. I guess in the middle of us leaving the apartment everyone else showed up. "Oh my god guys where were you. We've been calling everyone we knew Ian said he was with you y/n then you ran out. Everyone's been calling you guys and-" I cut off Courtney with a hug. She was shocked but hugged back.

"When did you all get here." I asked as I pulled away. "We called everyone after Shayne left to see if they had seen you. Everyone got worried after Ian said you ran out of the office. If you check your phones you'll see at least ten calls from each of us. Maybe thirty from Anthony." Sohinki said making my eyes bulge out of my skull.

"YOU TOLD ANTHONY!" I yelled shocking a few people. "Y-yeah, we were just worried and thought you might've ran home." Damien said shyly. I quickly grabbed my phone and called him only to be screamed at by him. After the conversation we had everyone said they would stay for dinner. Joven and Damien headed out to the pizza place while everyone was spread around the apartment.

"Wanna go to my room." I heard Shayne say from behind me. I nodded following him slowly to his room. Once we were inside he shut the door quietly and locked it. Once he turned around I jumped up and wrapped my legs around him and kissed him. He walked over to his bed not breaking. The connection and laid my back down on his bed before crawling back on top of me.

He broke apart for us to catch our breath. I looked up at him and smiled. "Where were we." I said mischievously before wrapping my hands around his neck and kissing him again.

Something I didn't expect to happen Where stories live. Discover now