Final competition

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(Hey guys so before you start this chapter I just wanted to say that I'll be skipping some competitions but they will still be mentioned in the award ceremony. Anyways enjoy the chapter peace out ✌️)

Your POV

Its been a few days and we are onto the final competition, the relay. Our team was in the lead by two competitions so we got a ten second head start. We were all getting ready to start filming, we were getting our costumes on and were laughing at Wes who was wearing a pig costume.

"Ok filming in three two one!" Tanner yelled from behind camera. "Smosh summer games! Wild West!" We all yelled for the last time. "Hello everyone and welcome to the last competition of smosh summer games." Matt yelled. He explained everything and Shayne said he was going to go first. The order was as Shayne, Boze, Joven, Courtney, Sohinki, Wes then me.

Matt gave Shayne a countdown before he started running to the first task. He flipped the pancakes and put them in the pool before finding three golden nuggets. He ran to sunny and screamed before he finished smacking Matt Raub on the head letting Boze go.

Shayne came up and stood next to me. I smiled and whipped the dirt off his face. The cameras were on Boze mostly so Shayne held my hand.

***time skip***

Everyone had went and now it was my turn. Wes hit Matt Raub I booked it to Joe. I flipped the first three pancakes on the pool and quickly ran to the mud pit and grabbed three gold nuggets. I ran to sunny and chugged down the root beer and forced out a burp. I quickly trotted to the moose head and grabbed the lasso and completed that on the second go. I ran as quick as o could to Matt Raub grabbing a bottle. "I've always wanted to do this." I said before smashing it on his head. My team cheered and some people laughed. "Ok randy bandits get ready." Matt Raub said. The cameras went to the randy bandits before turning off. We all got out of our costumes and handed them to the randy bandits helping them get in to start they relay.

***time skip***

We all stood around the table of trophies as Matt Raub said that the randy bandits won. Our team hugged before Matt told the other team to come back and that we have individual awards still. "Let's start with our MVP." Joe said while picking up the trophy. "This buckeroo has one hell of a summer games. He or she won their shootout, he or she or they had one of the highest score in the belly flop competition this award goes to Flitz!" Joe yelled making everyone cheer.

"Now time for LVP!" Matt said as Joe picked up the trophy. "This person not only were they on the losing team." Matt said as everyone whispered. Matt started to rap before he gave Wes the trophy. We all laughed. I gave Wes a big as he came back to stand by me. "Now on the other side of the spectrum we have the Clint Eastwood moment of infamy." Sunny said. They began to say things and I already knew it was Shayne.

I smiled as he walked back with the award in his hand. Before Joven was announced with the most epic fail. We walked back to the saloon with smiles on our faces. "So how was your first summer games experience?" Courtney asked with a camera pointed at my face. "Oh you know, it was pretty fun pretty chill. Kinda scary at some points like when we got the word right in hangman but Joe dropped me anyways. It was great." I said pointing at the camera. "Wanna know what else is great." I heard Shayne say from behind me.

I turned around and he lifted me quickly over his shoulder making me scream. I hit his back trying to get him to drop me while laughing my head off. "Courtney help me!" I yelled. "Is recording this helping!" She yelled back making Shayne and I laugh. Shayne put me down and smiled at me. I lightly punched his arm before we kept walking back to the saloon.

"Ok guys, we leave tomorrow so start packing your stuff tonight. We will leave at 8:00 so be awake ready before that time or we will leave you here to be hung." Joe said making us laugh. I ran up to my room and started to pack my suitcase. I heard the door open when I was grabbing my things from the bathroom. I grabbed my toothbrush and my toothpaste while I felt two arms wrap around my waist.

"Packing already." I heard Shayne say in my ear. I looked in the mirror and smiled. I turned around to face him and put my hands on the counter to lean against it. I giggled as Shayne made a dumb face. "I love you." He said before kissing my cheek. "I love you too." I replied. He quickly swept me off my feet and placed me on to counter. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him.

He kissed me back and placed his hand on my hips. He pulled me closer and I wrapped my legs around his waist. Shayne slid his hands down to my thighs and lifted me up not breaking the kiss. He walked to the bed and gently placed me down on my back and straddled me. I smiled into the kiss before the door opened.

"Whoa ok hello." I heard Damien say Shayne rolled off of me and we laughed. "Nice cock block." I said while sitting up. I saw Shayne's face was bright red. I nudged him slightly before standing. I walked over to Damien and hugged him. He seemed to tensed up at my action but wrapped my arms around me. "Love you Dams." I said I went on my tippy toes before kissing his cheek. I smiled at him before leaving the room and finding Ian.


Shayne's POV

I saw y/n leave and I glared in Damien's direction as he looked down. He closed the door and looked towards me with a confused look. "Shayne are you ok?" He asked coming closer. "Damien do you have feelings for y/n." I ask bluntly. His eyes widened and he looked down. "Damien. Are you in love with y/n!" I yelled while standing up and walking towards him. "What! No I'm not in love with her! Y/n is like my best friend!" He yelled defensively.

"Well do you have any feelings for her!" I yelled back. He looked down and I clenched my first. "Y-yeah, I like her." He said quietly. "What was that." "I said that I like her ok!" Damien yelled. I looked at him with anger in my eyes. "I'm sorry." He said quietly. He sat down on the bed and put his head in his hands. "Look man, I don't want a girl to be the one to tear our friendship apart. I promise that we are just friends and I won't do anything to take her away from you." Damien said looking up at me.

I walked over to Damien and helped him stand. I hugged him and then I heard the door open and someone sobbing. I turned around and saw y/n crying with her phone in her hands. "Oh my god y/n what happened." I said walking closer to her. She looked at me and covered her mouth with her hand. Her body was trembling and she had tears running down her neck and jaw.

"A-Anthony's, b-been s-sh-shot, by E-Ethan. A-and he's in t-the hospital. W-with two broken r-ribs and a b-b-bul-let in his, stomach." She sobbed out. I embraced her in a hug and she started to sink. I went to the ground with her and let her cry. I rubbed circles on her back and saw Matt come up the stairs. "Everyone come out of your rooms!" He yelled. Everyone filled the hallway gasping as they saw y/n. "There's been a change of plans. We are leaving in 20 minutes so get your stuff into the vans as quick as possible, Everyone your in the same vans as before so let's get rolling." He said.

Everyone ran back into their rooms and started to pack. I picked up y/n and placed her on the bed where she hugged Damien. I grabbed the rest of y/n's stuff and quickly put it into her suitcase. I grabbed all my things and put our suitcases by the door. I picked up y/n and Damien got his stuff together and grabbed Ian's as well.

We headed downstairs everyone wondering why we are leaving so early. We headed towards the vans with whispers all around us. Y/n and I sat in the back with Ian, Damien and Wes in front of us the three girls in the front and Sohinki in front of Wes and Damien.

"Ok everyone I know the sudden change of plans has worried everyone." Joe said as everyone nodded. "So the reason we are leaving early and the reason y/n is in tears is because, Anthony got shot and has two broken ribs and the bullet is in his stomach. We need to get y/n to the hospital as fast as possible so we are leaving early." Joe explained. Everyone gasped and y/n cried quietly into my shoulder.

"Don't worry y/n he's gonna be ok." I assured her. She laid down and put her head on my lap and her legs on Ian's lap. She soon fell asleep and I looked towards Ian who was staring at the back of Damien's chair. "I'm gonna kill him." He said with no emotion. I looked back down at y/n before patting Ian's back.

This was gonna be a long trip.

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