We walked slowly to the tree where the carved orbits are located. The wind blew gently and softly. The wind halted when Breanne stopped infront of the tree where the carved orbits are located. " Transform your necklace into a bow " Breanne ordered.

I held my necklace in my hand and... " Thunder " I muttered and my body glowed with lightning sparks. Showing the dark blue bow with ancient carvings and is surrounded with lightning sparks too. I held it with my right hand and lowered it on my knees. The power of lightning flowed through my blood streams, and it made me feel stronger than I already am.

" Okay, now take aim at that dot, but without electricity or power released in your arrow. Just let it be a normal arrow " Breanne explained. I wanted to, but how? And why are we this close at the target " You can control it Sky, just think of the power leaving the arrow's body. Be one with your weapon, you can't hit at far positions if you can't even hit at the nearest spot  " She tutored after knowing my thoughts " I held the bow with my two hands and slowly pulled the string. I followed as Breanne ordered. I can feel the arrow's power getting weaker, we're uniting. It may be weird to be united with a weapon. I heard Breanne giggle, but then returned to the normal type of her again " Release it. "

I softened my pull on the bow's string that it made the arrow flew through the orbit next to the dot. I sighed in relief.

" Great, but you didn't hit the center. The enemy could've avoided or make it out alive if you didn't hit them at your direct target " Breanne explained, that disappointed me " Let me help you. "

Breanne held the bow with my hands and guided them to aim for the target. I felt my heart beat rapidly as she tightened her hand on mine " Do not be nervous " Breanne should've noticed my pounding heartbeat. The warmth of her skin is so desirable. Her skin is as soft as the pillows. I want to feel more of her warmth, more of her skin, of her body, I want her to be mine.

I released the arrow with Breanne's guidance. She took her hands off mine and walked faraway from the tree. I glanced at the trunk that has the arrow on the dot before rushing to her " Where are you going?! " I called as I rushed to her. I continued panting as I reached her pace through the bushes and branches that evaded our way. She glanced at me using her shiny ruby eyes.

" We're now going to try if you can hit that dot in a far distance " Breanne said in her effeminate but blank voice. I wonder, why is she always bleak? " We'll stop here. "

I held my bow straight and aimed on the dot faraway. Imagine the dot faraway getting closer and closer to you. Breanne's voice echoed in my mind. At first everything was noisy, chatting birds, waving leaves, water stream and sounds on the bushes, but then, it all gone away and the center of my mind was the dot infront of me. I can feel that it's just an inch away from my eye. I grasped for it then I released the light blue arrow from my deep-blue bow without any help of Breanne's delicate hand. I looked at the dot but was distant to be seen easily. I sped up to the tree and was agape when I saw the sparkling blue arrow divided the arrow that I stabbed in the trunk earlier. I couldn't believe this.

" Not bad for a descentier " Breanne exalted. I smiled. But she continued her way back to the stream where Alexandra is sitting, still. Why am I feeling these? She's gorgeous but I never realized that it would end up this way.

But either ways, I really can't believe it! I am good at aiming and shooting! But I won't brag it " Enough for you today, Sky. You're easy to handle. "

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