Chapter 13

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        Shayne was just sat there looking at me waiting for me to start talking. I stopped fiddling with the headphones and held my hands in my lap in the fear that if I didn't I wouldn't be able to stop shaking. I wasn't yet but I knew it was going to happen.

        "This is going to be a long story, so is there any chance I could make a cuppa first?" I asked with a slight smile, he nodded his head with a slight laugh, which helped me relax a little. I quickly made us both a tea and joined him back on the couch. I realised then that I was stalling, but I got a tea out of it so it can't have been such a bad thing. I took another deep breath and wrapped my hands around my mug soaking up the heat that the mug held as if it would somehow give me strength.

        "So I guess I should start right from the beginning then. When I was in year 11 so... back in September 2012 when I was 16, this guy called Jake joined my old form group. We never asked why he left his old school and part of me now wished I did because there had to be a reason behind it. He ended up getting close to my group of mates. Matt, Rob, Mikey, Mel, Raven, Katie and Hope, no one messed with us in form or school in general, we may have acted like idiots 24/7 but we stood up for each other when we needed to. Our form tutor sat him on our table because it was the only seat left and he thought Jake would fit right in. Not long after that day, our group of 8 turned into 9." I smiled slightly at the memory rubbing my thumb against my mug, Shay sat there watching me intently taking everything in.

        "Come exam season me and Jake somehow fell into a relationship, it wasn't planned or even thought about, it just happened. Everyone in school looked up to our group in a way, we weren't the "Popular" group in any way, if anything we were the outcasts, but we were the kind of mates everyone wanted to have. So when they found out Jake and I were dating, we became the fucking "It" couple. Which was really weird because not much had changed between us, it's just now we were dating we would hold hands and kiss in school. But everything else stayed the same." I laughed slightly at how stupid it sounds.

        "A couple of years go by and it's 2015, we were all in the final few months of our final year at 6th form, Jake and I were still together and had even moved in together. My parents weren't too happy about it but we were a serious couple you know, we were 18 and we all know at 18 we think we know it all. My parents were fine with it so long as my grades didn't drop, which they didn't, looking back now I wish they had because it would have saved a lot of pain down the road. I finished 6th form with an A* in Psychology and Sociology and an A in Food Tech, I outdid what I thought was even possible for me. I decided that I would take a gap year before going to uni to study Psychology. My parents were happy with that considering my grades, they thought taking a year out to work on music with all my mates would be a good bit of well-needed fun for all of us. It was meant to be the best year of my life, you know, like every good gap year should be." I smiled, thinking about what it could have been, and frowned at what it turned into. Shayne was still just sat there listening to me taking a drink of his tea every now and then. I took a drink of my tea to calm my nerves.

        "Jake had decided that he didn't want to go to uni so he got a job and started working while the rest of us messed about with music and had a laugh. He got really pissy about it a couple of months into the gap year. Christmas had just been and it was the new year, good shitty old 2016. Jake wasn't the guy I had fell in love with anymore, he was angry all the time, he hated that he was the only one really doing any hard work, even though we all had jobs, it was just he was the only one of us working full time. He would yell at me when he got home if I wasn't making dinner, or if I had forgotten to do something he had told me to do. He would hit me that would mean a bruise would pop up overnight but right after to 10 minutes later he would cry and say he didn't mean it and beg me to forgive him. And my stupid ass would forgive him because he had me wrapped around his little finger all brainwashed believing every word he said. I started to hate myself and everything I did but I hid it from everyone. I hid all the damage he caused me thinking he would change and I didn't want him to lose any friends over some stupid mistakes." I took a deep breath and another mouthful of tea knowing that this was the hard bit.

        "One night Jake comes home pissed and with only one thing on his mind, sex, and no wasn't an option. At this point, I didn't trust him anymore so the sexual attraction I had for him was gone. You see for me sex is like a door, you gotta have the key to get in, well Jake threw that key away the first time he hit me. So that night wasn't fun. I tried to tell him, no but I was so scared of him and what he might do. It was like he had full control of my mind and body. So that night he did what he wanted, and I hated myself for not doing anything to stop him. He had brainwashed me so much that I didn't even realise that he had raped me, I was blaming myself for not liking what he was doing. And it carried on for months, and each time I hated myself a little more to the point where I couldn't even look in the mirror without wanting to smash it. I just wasn't the same person I was a year before. And my mates were beginning to notice." I was shaking now, just remembering what he would do every night made me want to scream and made me hate myself again for being so dumb and paralysed to leave him. Shayne's looked at me with sadness and put one of his hands over mine trying to calm me and my shakes down.

        "The nightmare I told you about, there's more to it than just a nightmare. It actually happened, but when I want to forget about something I turn them into nightmares as everyone knows it's easier to forget a bad dream than a horrid memory." I was trying to keep it together because I really didn't want to cry again today. Shayne started to hold my hand and rub his thumb across the back on my hand, trying to soothe the shakes away, I smiled slightly at him.

        "A couple of months ago Jake came home pissed off, thinking I had cheated on him with Matt, He had been living in a cabin in the lake district for the past few months working with school kids and he was only in town for a couple of days so we had spent the whole day writing. I was so scared I hid in my wardrobe, hoping that he would either give up and go out to the pub or just not find me. He found me and started yelling at me. Saying all this shit about God knows what. He punched me so much that I fell to the floor. He started kicking me in the stomach. Just before I passed out he bent down and whispered: "You'll never hide from me, never." " I paused a little taking a shaky deep breath as my voice began to wobble.

        "I had phoned my mate Mel, as her mums a cop and I thought it was a better idea than actually calling the police, not long after I passed out the police and ambulance crew burst into the house. I was in the hospital for a couple of weeks and after that Jake somehow got out o being charged thanks to his rich parents and I had to move down to London and stayed with my brother for a bit. I had to go through physio as he fucked my knees up, which is why I use you or Otto to get up when I sit on the floor. I got the dogs not long after I was out o hospital from a shelter as I didn't feel safe in the house as I stayed there for a couple of days after."

        "It didn't take long for Jake to find me in London. For about 2 weeks he sent me a letter every day to torment me and my brother. He started actually coming to the house and banging on the door screaming for me to open up and talk to him. My brother's housemates were beginning to hate living there and felt as unsafe as I did. Thankfully Pete is amazing and he gave me a job at the cafe and helped me get my visa."

        "The only reason I moved here is that I thought it would be safer. I thought he wouldn't find me. I actually thought being on the other side of the world would keep me safe from him. But he still found me and  I don't know what to do. I may as well be back home, at least then I wouldn't be alone. At my brother's place, I had his housemates to help me feel like he couldn't do anything to me, but now I have no one. I'm not too sure that the dogs would actually do any physical harm to him. If he comes to my door like he did last time, which if he follows his pattern he will, I don't know if that door will hold him. I really don't." I whispered the last bit slowly sinking into the couch.

        My mug was now empty so I just sat it on the couch next to me not really thinking, or caring for that matter. I leaned my head on Shayne's shoulder just wanting to be close to someone. As I did this I was engulfed into a hug. He didn't say anything he just sat there hugging me and rubbing my back slightly. We stayed like that for a while, just hugging in silence, and for the for that moment I actually felt safe.

A/N OK @Pamela_Stark you are a crazy person as you have literally liked every chapter and spammed my phone with notifications yesterday. Like why. :P Thank you so much for the support it means a lot! I hope you liked this one. <3 <3 

Cafe Girl (Shayne Topp)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon