Chapter 44

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A/N OK I'm doing a night shift babysitting, 8 pm-1 am I think, so I'm gonna spend it writing. Checking up on him every 15-30 minutes, definitely getting my weekly exercise tonight. I do love these "shifts" though as I basically get paid to write this book and eat sweets. So this is a warning, as time goes by my spelling and grammar may tank so I apologise in advance.

Becca's POV

The rest of the day went by without a hitch after lunch. I was in such a good mood after my date with Shayne that I barely paid any attention to the pain in my feet. I got a little teasing from Paul but Amber put a stop like that. I have a feeling she only did that because she wants to actually be able to get information from me later. I was just grateful that she managed to stop him.

"So, what do you have planned for tonight?" He asked as I put my jacket on. My bag was on the floor next to me. 

"Foot spa" My answer was quick and simple as that was all I could think of right now.

"Yep, you definitely need to use that thing tonight," Amber joked as she joined us.

"I can't wait. I'm just annoyed that I can't go straight home and have to pick the boys up, the only bad thing I miss about my old place. God do I miss Betty." I laughed. I really do miss her, she made life a lot less stressful, and a little cheaper too.

"She was a lovely lady." Amber smiled, she looked at the door that was behind me and her smile grew wider. "And your Shayne is a lovely man." I gave her a quizzical look and looked behind me. 

Stood there behind the door was Shayne with Pongo and Otto on either side of him. It was a beautiful sight. It meant that I didn't have to walk an extra 15 minutes to pick them up, it meant that my feet were even closer to being in that dumb foot spa that makes my feet feel like they are in heaven. I laughed at the sight and smiled a stupidly massive smile.

"Right, guess that's my cue to leave then." I laughed, picking up my bag and slinging it over one shoulder. I waved bye to the both of them and walked, well hobbled, out the door.

"Thought you might want to get home as fast as possible to get off your feet so I picked these guys up for you." He greeted me. I hugged him, not knowing how else to show how thankful I was.

"You have no idea how happy I am, the idea of being on my feet any longer is my idea of hell right now." I laughed, it's like I can feel the blisters on my heels growing.

We laughed and joked all the way, Shayne trying to keep my mind off the pain that was rushing through my body. With each step I took, it was getting worse and the fact that I have work tomorrow isn't helping either. I needed to get off them now and rest them for as long as possible so I can actually put weight on them tomorrow. If I can't them work is either going to be hell on earth or I was going to yet again have to call in sick. That can't be the case because I really need the money to be able to pay the bills this month, as well as Pongo's vet bills.

When we got back to mine the first thing I did when my front door was closed was to sit on the floor and pry the shoes of off my feet. I look like a twat but I don't care one bit my feet need freedom. When the hell contraptions came off my feet it felt like a wave of release washed over me. I sighed loudly and leaned back against the door. 

As I look up I watch as  Shayne takes the harnesses and leads off the doggos and move into the kitchen and start making a cup of tea and coffee. How did I get this lucky? I take a deep breath and peel my socks off to reveal the true state of my feet. My heels were red raw and bleeding. 

"Welp, I'm gonna need more than plasters to help these get better, yikes."

"HOLY SHIT!" Shayne yelled in shock when he comes over with our drinks, he put them down on the table and then rushed over to me as if I had a hole in my head.

"I'm fine just need some help getting to the couch, I'll worry about wrapping them up once I've had that lovely cuppa you just made." I smiled I used the door to help me stand up. Shayne moved to so I could use him as support for the tiny distance to the couch.

"You sure you're going to be ok?" He sounded nervous and worried, but this is a bi-monthly occurrence for me so I know the drill. 

"Yep, I have all the stuff I need to make them feel a lot better. I've dealt with this before." I smiled, we sat down on the couch and I grabbed my cup before putting my feet up and leaning back.

"So, what do you need?" He asked joining me on the couch.

"To sit and do nothing enjoying this tea before I have to put my feet through the hell of an antibacterial soak before they can enjoy my dumb foot spa." I laughed. He looked at me before laughing, as is trying to see how I was joking about my poor feet.

We sat and talked for a bit before he saw the horrid thing that is the antibacterial foot bath and let me tell you, I swore like a sailor who just stubbed their toe. While my feet recovered in the foot spa Shayne ordered a take out and we just sat and talked the night away. I bandaged up my feet at some point and somewhere after finishing off our food and laughing about a dumb story we fell asleep on my couch, cuddled up together with Pongo and Otto on either side of us.

A/N It's almost 1 am here so I hope you like it. I would have written more but I've been distracted and going up and down 17 steps each way checking on the kid so this is the best I can get. I really wanted to get this up tonight/this morning so I really do hope you like it. I promise the next chapter will be way more exciting! I can't wait for his mum to come home so I can go home and sleep, there's only so long sugar and caffeine can keep a gal who was up at 6 am awake.

Massive hugs B xxx

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