Chapter 47

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A/N This was tough to write! I've also been inside for 6 days straight and I've bearly been able to write anything as I can't seem to word what I want to say right. I hope this came out good and you like it.

Becca's POV

"So before I tell you your future how are you feeling right now?" He asked while looking deep into my eyes.

"Emotional, gotta love unpacking some baggage." I laughed shaking my head a little. "It's a good thing though, even if it hurts a little." I smiled at Tommy.

"Well, this next part should be easier to hear." He beamed with a slight laugh.

"Tell me what you see." I smile.

"So Dagaz is great on its own so we got some wonderful stuff coming your way." He said glancing down at the card as he had one hand in his rune bag rustling things around.

"So this card means hope and happiness, which you deserve." He stated with a smile.

"You're telling me." Shayne and Damien sassed at the same time.

"Wait, hope as in the notion or as in my friend, Hope as I'm not too certain if I need more of that madwoman in my life." I joked with a dumb ass smile on my face. There was a brief pause as everyone laughed.

"I'm just kidding babe, please don't kill me." I quipped as I looked at the camera.

Tommy laughed and shook his head at me as he pulled out a rune. "Jera, I'm so happy I pulled this one." He sounded so sincere in what he said and I couldn't help but beam a little bit. "This one means that all the hard work you've been putting in to better yourself and be as close to who you were before that jerk pays off." He said with a smile looking at me.

"So all the therapy, opening up and all the other work you're putting in is worth it in the end so keep at it, no matter how hard it gets." He says with a smile.

"It also means that you find your twin flame, you're one true love. The soul that mirrors your own." As he said this he subtly looked over at Shayne.

"So my future is finally looking up," I say with a smile and a slight chuckle.

"You sound sceptical." He phrased this so it sounded both like a statement and a question.

"Well let's just say I'm not gonna be convinced till it happens. I'm not gonna be too optimistic." I laugh.

He just shook his head and looked at me. "You need to have more hope Becca, and believe in yourself more. You are the one who makes good things happen to you not someone else." There was something about the way he said this that made me kind of believe him.

"Hey, in my defence I've always been more of a realist than an optimist, Raven is the one who is way too optimistic for her own good. Why we're good mates, we balance each other out." I laugh with a dumb grin. "But I do get where you're coming from, I know I've been more pessimistic since Jake, guess I need to spend more time talking to Raven to help me see the good in things again." I smiled laughing lightly.

"Right, who's flying her over." Damien chimed in making everyone laugh.

"So your future is good, you are going to get what you have been dreaming of and needed for a long time, all you have to do is stay open to the possibility and everything will turn out how you deserve." He smiled. "So any other questions?"

"I think I've got what I needed." I chuckled.

"But there is a question burning in the back of your mind though." He asked and pointed out. I looked at him with a slightly shocked a shy look.

"Well yeah but I don't think it has anything to do with this." I chuckled, slightly uncomfortable.

"Try me anyway, you never know." He said gesturing for me to hold my hand out like Courtney did. I took a slight deep breath and sighed.

"Well, I've always wondered what would have happened if I never started dating Jake, you know, would we still be friends now, would I have ended up in the same situation or if things would have worked out differently. You know the question a lot of domestic abuse victims want to as." I asked I could feel the atmosphere in the room change, hell I think the camera felt it too.

Tommy put his hand into and pulled out a rune and placed it on the palm of my hand. I looked at the familiar rune and smiled slightly, even though it was a twisted thing to smile at.

"Hagalaz, this tells me that one of your close friends would have gone through what you did." He looked up and saw my slight smile. "Why does that make you smile?" He asked I think everyone else in the room wanted to know that too.

"My friends are family to me, I would much rather go through what I did then have one of my friends go through it. I was lucky and had family on the other side of the world I could run to, my friends don't. I was lucky enough to meet Shayne and have him and Damien save me when I needed them the most, the wouldn't. I wouldn't wish Jake to go through what I did, that's how bad it was. If I wouldn't wish it on him there is no way in hell that if I had the chance to go back and change things, I would. I will happily go through the heel that I did a million times if it spared my mates the pain." I said while looking down at the rune in my hand.

"I would do anything for my friends as they have done so much for me over the past few years and I never want to even think of the possibility of them going through what I did. I mean these guys send me food and snacks from back home that I can't get here even though they not only know my family does the same but it must cost them an arm and a leg. I have no idea I this made any sense or if it's gonna stay in the video as I may have just rambled on for way too long and I'm going to shut up now." I laughed as I placed the rune on the table and turned to leave jokingly. Shayne grabbed me by my waist and pulled me into his lap.

"You're not going anywhere." He laughed. I just laughed a little and shook my head.

"Okay, now I think it's safe to say that you are one of the kindest people I have met." Tommy smiled.

We carried on filming for a little bit before finishing up. I chatted with Shayne and Courtney for a little bit before having a massive wave of exhaustion washed over me. I told them that I was going to head home and take a nap. I said goodbye to everyone and headed home with my boys in tow. I ordered a lyft and went home. As soon as I got there I went straight to bed to take a nap. setting an alarm to wake me up half an hour before Pongo needs to take his meds again so I have time to get up and wake up a little beforehand.

A/N I'm really sorry this took so long to write, but with everything that is going on right now kinda took my mind off of writing. I'm worried about getting ill as my job is looking after a kid whose mum is a nurse so she can't get sick as they are really needed right now. I'm also really needed now since schools are closed so I'm having to work out a homeschooling plan. Basically my life has gotten hectic. Hopefully, I'll be able to get more writing done soon but I have no idea at the moment.

Also, I'm watching contagion and holy shit is it very concerning how similar it is to what is going on right now. Stay safe and stay home. I hope you aren't going insane with being stuck at home. Massive hugs Becca. :) <3

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