Chapter 48

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Becca's POV

When the video was edited I was sent it to see if I was ok with everything that they had left in. The video was a first draft as they were ready to cut out the part about Shayne and I kinda dating. But when I watched it in its entirety I loved it. I couldn't ask them to cut bits out when I loved it as it was. They had done an amazing job of making me look good and not like a complete idiot. Plus the little written notes when Pongo and Otto walked on set made me laugh. They had written "Her good boys" as they put their heads on my legs and well it wasn't a lie.

Once I had watched it a couple of times I sent a message to Kevin saying he had done a great job and that I was happy with it going out as it is as long as the others are.

He hadn't really got edited much out other than all the times I muddled up my words. I have no real idea how much editing went into the first part with just Courtney and Shayne since I wasn't there but the video looked amazing and I managed to laugh at something new each time I watched it. I loved it. I was worried about what the response would be to the video. I know there would be a lot of nice comments but the fact that I knew there would be mean and hate-filled ones worried me.

I know that they are just saying that stuff to get under my skin but I was so vulnerable and open in that video just gets to me. I shared the darkest part of me and ugh. I just hope the people who don't like me can at least say I didn't deserve what I got. I get that there are people that are going to hate me no matter what. They can say they still don't like me and why but yeah. I just hope they see how open I was. I was prepared though I knew what I was getting into this time so it's not going to hit me as hard as it did last time. Well, at least I hope it won't anyway.

After I sent the message I decided to put Red Dwarf on and grab some popcorn. I wasn't at work yet again as it was closed as there was something going on with the oven and we weren't sure what was going on with it or how to fix it. Not working was weird for me especially on days like today where I have no creative motivation anywhere in my being. I hate it.

I had decided that it was a pj day as soon as I knew I didn't need to leave the house

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I had decided that it was a pj day as soon as I knew I didn't need to leave the house. There was no reason to get dress and I just didn't feel like it. I was exhausted all the time at the moment so the idea of being able to just slob about and do nothing was just what my body needed right now. Hopefully, it will mean that tomorrow I will actually have to energy to do things.

As soon as I sat back down with a way to big of a bowl of sweet popcorn in my lap there was a knock at the door causing my boys to bark their heads off. Sighing I put the bowl on the table and open the door.

"Hello," I say as I open the door and see Shayne standing there with a dumb grin on his face.

"Mind if I join you, got the day off as there wasn't anything for me to do after reviewing the video we did?" He asked with a smile.

"Sure why not, I could do with some company, I made way to much popcorn, even for me." I joked as he walked in. He sat down right away and gave Pongo and then Otto a massive hug each. I smiled at the sight before sitting down next to him and picking up the bowl of popcorn again.

"I see what you mean." He laughed as he looked at all the popcorn I had made. "So what are we watching?" He asked looking at the blank screen as I was yet to cast Red Dwarf to my tv, I love that it's on Netflix, it make life a hell of a lot easier for me.

"I'm about to put Red Dwarf on if that's cool with you." I smile as I passed him the bowl and leaned forward to flick through the seasons to see what I was in the mood for.

"How did I not see that coming." He laughed. "You're always watching that show."

"What can I say I love it that much." I chuckled as I looked over my shoulder at him. I have a dumb smile on my face and I couldn't care less.

"So what season are we watching?"

"I'm in the mood for season 8 if that's cool with you," I answered looking back at him.

"That's cool with me, you might need to fill in bits here and there for me though. I'm not an expert like you are." I laughed at his response and pushed him lightly. I pressed play and then cast it to the tv before leaving back and cuddling up with him. I took the popcorn back of him so it was yet again back in my lap.

"Get ready to laugh and probably confused as well it's a very British show... It's also very dumb." I laughed.

"I have no doubt some jokes will go over my head." He laughed as he took a handful of popcorn. He was a little confused at the beginning but he caught on pretty quick.

RIMMER: Don't expect help from me, Lister.

LISTER: But that was years ago...

RIMMER: It was last week!

LISTER: Last week for you, because you've just been resurrected; years ago for me. And anyway I was whirlitzered then. I even finished off the advocar. I even downed that smeg-awful pink stuff down the back of the drinks cabinet.

RIMMER: That was my Windowlene... I must have left it there when I was cleaning the glass.

LISTER: It tasted all right with that Chartruess green liqueurey thing.

RIMMER: You drank my Swarfega too? You're unbelievable.

LISTER: Look, I've changed, I'm different now... more mature, more debonair. I don't even stir my tea with a spanner any more. You'd hardly recognise me.

RIMMER: Have you stopped playing the guitar?

LISTER: No, but I've stopped accompanying myself on the armpit. What I'm trying to say is that I don't need to take my frustrations out on you anymore.

RIMMER: How's that?

LISTER: I've been away, what is it? Five, six years, not counting stasis? I've done stuff! Stuff that would make your hair straight. I've come through it.

Shayne paused the episode and looked at me with a dumb smile on his face. "I see now why you like this show so much, it's funny and dumb." He laughed looking at me.

I was still giggling at the dumb joke and just looked at him. It's always been one of my favourite jokes.

"Why else do you think I watch it all the god dang time. It never fails to make me laugh. It will always without a doubt cheer me up." I laughed. Shayne was just looking at smiling away like a fool. "What?" I asked looking at him confused.

"It's just I haven't seen you this happy in a while." He answered with a smile.

"Red Dwarf always finds a way to cheer me up. I mean I just love it, I love the fact that the actors are mates in real life, plus, I mean come on it hilarious, Been making me laugh since I was 8, and cheering the country up since 1988." I joked. Shayne just looked at me smiling. I leaned forward and clicked play again and we sat there laughing at the dumb jokes and eating popcorn.

We managed to watch the whole series without realising. Once we had finished it we ordered some Chinese take out and talked and joked about for a few hours before he finally decided to go home. One he was gone I went to bed not bothering to put clean pj's on as there wasn't any point really.

A/N Sorry this chapter is basically a filler but it's all I could think of tp put before doing a slight time jump so I can write fun things about social isolation as I have a hell of a load of ideas for that and it will be a load of fun to write. 

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