Chapter 42

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Becca's POV

As I stepped through the cafe doors, I saw paul behind the counter wiping down the countertop. I skipped passed him into the tiny staff room to put my bag away. I sighed and stood there for a second, lifting my feet up one at a time to give each foot a slight rest before I needed to clean all the tables and make sure there is the right number of everything on each table.

"Nice to see you're better," He smiled. "I watched the video and I'm still in shock you ate three of those things. What is wrong with you?" He joked, shaking his head. I just gave him the middle finger as I grabbed a cloth and the spray to wipe down the tables. I started whistling 500 miles as I can't seem to get that song out my head today.

"One day I will make you make a cover of that song, I just want to know how it would sound." He mentioned while he put cups by the coffee machine.

"And one day I will, I've been thinking about it, actually, it would definitely be a piano-only cover though." I look over at him to see I shocked him, I've been saying for ages I don't think I would cover it but it's been stuck in my head so much the past few months I feel I need to do it.

"I need a copy of it as soon as it's done, OK." He joked, "Oh and I need you to perform it live." I laughed at him. He seemed so excited.

Once I finished cleaning the tables, I went over to the counter to grab the menus. I sat down happy to take the weight of my poor feet and started wiping them down. We do this at the end of each day and the beginning to make sure they are clean. I was smiling away thinking about what happened this morning.

Paul came over with a cup of tea and a blueberry muffin for me. He placed them next to me just as I finished wiping the last menu.

"Just what I needed." I smiled as I picked up the tea and held it in my hands, warming them up.

"What's got you so smily today?" He asked putting his chin in between his hands and leaning forward so his elbows were on the countertop in front of me. He was acting like a teenage girl.

Shaking my head, I looked at him. "Really, you're going to act like a teenage girl." I laughed. He twiddled a piece of his hair in his hand.

"I don't know what you're talking about, girl?" His voice was slightly higher, and I laughed at him. "Do I have to ask you again." He raised an eyebrow and looked at me. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Shayne came round this morning and well." I twiddled my hair, making him laugh. "We... kinda.. kissed." I blushed and stammered my way through the last part.

"NO WAY." He yelled jumping up, making me jump a little. "Really, the guy finally got guts?!"

"Can we change the topic, please?" I groaned, putting my head in my hands.

"Awe, is my little niece embarrassed?" He asked as he pinched my cheeks.

"Will you stop?" I laughed lightly pushing him off me and then throwing the cloth next to me at him. "Where's your wife when I need backup?" I say finally taking a bite of my muffin.

"I'm back here in the kitchen and I'm on his side honey." She laughed from the kitchen.

"GOD DAMN IT!" I laughed, shaking my head as I stood up to put a few menus on each table. I could hear both of them giggle in the back. They are little children sometimes.

I laughed as I walked around the cafe putting all the sauces, salt and pepper on each table while my aunt and uncle asked a million questions about the kiss and how it happened. They were acting I know my friends will when I tell them, especially Raven. This was a good look into my next Skype call I guess.

I love their relationship. It's just so cute and pure, even if they do annoy me sometimes. They make coming to work a lot more fun and enjoyable. It's just a shame she doesn't come here every day. 

Today will be interesting. I can't wait till my lunch break though, not only do I get to sit down and rest my poor feet but I get to spend it with a guy who never fails to make me laugh and smile. Paul's teasing will be both annoying and interesting as I have no idea what Shayne's reaction will be.

A/N Sorry this one is short too but it basically just a cute filler before the next one, as well as adding some context to what will happen in the next one.

I also had to deal with my annoying boyfriend coming in and out of the room I'm in. He wants to watch a few episodes of Taskmaster and it's a show we can't watch without the other as we come up with our own answers to how to solve the tasks and then during the add breaks we debate them.

Massive hugs B xxx

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