Chapter 52

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Becca's POV

Shayne and I were sat on the couch talking when my phone rang, I looked at it and saw it was my dad calling me on  Duo. I smiled at the call and the looked back up at Shayne.

"My dad's calling me, best I answer, I'll go outside to answer, get a bit of privacy and fresh air, best I'm gonna get for a while." I laughed. I stood up and went outside leaning over the railing.

"Hey, twat bad what do you want?" I asked with a laugh

"Hey, Bubbles just wanting to know how you are. Your mum and I are worried about you. We know how bad your immune system is." He replied.

"You mean my lack thereof one." I joked laughing lightly looking up at the clear sky. "Anyway, I'm fine dad no need to worry." I try to reassure him.

"Just be extra careful, you were lucky to not get the flu this year, first in a decade so I don't like the odds as we all know our families luck." He said. He actually sounded worried, I knew he was worried about me, has been since I moved here but he never let it show, that's just how he's always been. 

"Dad, I know how to stay safe relax, it wasn't luck that I didn't get the flue this year I made sure that I was eating right and if I did forget to eat a meal or two it wouldn't matter that much as I took supplements so I got all the vitamins and the other bs my body needs. I have them with me so I should be good. Plus I'm staying with Shayne so I'm probably gonna somehow do the same amount of exercise I did when I was a kid, but inside his apartment." I laughed causing my mum to laugh.

"From what I've heard about him and seen online I believe that." She joked back.

"How are you doing mum, I'm worried about you since you're a carer and all," I asked looking up at the sky again.

"My hands hate me but I'm good, everyone I visit has different brands of hand sanitizer to the one I have so not my hands are red rare. But none of the ladies and gents I visit has any symptoms so things seem to be okay at the moment." My mum answer, I could hear how grateful she was.

"That's good. I don't want any of those lovely people to get sick." I honestly say.

"Neither do I."

"How are you doing Bubbles, forget about the pandemic, how are you doing mentally." He asked.

"I'm fine dad, coping well. I think this lockdown will be a good thing for me. I'm going to have loads of time to work on myself without work being in the way. 

"You know you can always call to talk, my sleep schedule is out of whack, and we're thinking of finally getting another dog. Shelters are trying real hard to clear out due to whats going on. There are a few Staffie pups still there, and well you know how much I've wanted another dog." I could tell he meant that I could call him no matter what time and I was thrilled he was ready to get another dog.

"You have no idea how long it took me to persuade him, Bubbles. It was like getting blood out of a stone." My mum moaned. I couldn't help but laugh at her. I could just see her now, drowning on and on like we did when I was younger and we wanted a cat. It took us weeks and I still don't know how we did it. So how she did it on her own is beyond me.

"I can't believe you managed that all by yourself. It took you me and Josh weeks to persuade him to get a cat so how you did this on your own is very impressive." I laughed. 

"I thought back on all the times that you and Josh persuaded us into getting you something and used all those trick on him. It made me realise how you two got us to get you some dumb shit." She joked.

"So that's how you did it, that's cheating, those two were masters at it." My dad jokingly yelled causing me to burst into laughter turning around so I was leaning my back against the railings. It was nice to joke with my parents especially with what's going on. 

"God, I'm glad I'm not stuck in lockdown with you two idiots." I joked still laughing.

"Trust me when I say that we're glad about that two. You would cause us to go insane. I feel bad for Shayne." My mum joked I could just see the stupid smirk on her face.

"Speaking of him again, any chance I could talk to him?" My dad asked causing me to laugh a little. Mainly out of nerves.

"I swear to god Dad if you just want to go all overprotective, 'don't touch my daughter or I'll kill you' sort of shit I'm going to fly over there as soon as it's legal and kill you." I joked.

"I just want to make sure he knows what he's in for." He responded. I shook my head and walked into the apartment. I put my phone on speaker and I could feel myself blushing

"My dad wants to talk to you, and I swear to god if you're about to be an embarrassing dad I'm going to kill you."  I laughed as I looked at Shayne and then the phone

"I was actually going to warn him about living with you. Shayne, she can be a right pain in the arse, and is terrible at washing up, so watch out for that." He laughed

"Hey, I've gotten better at that." I joked back laughing, trying to sound hurt but I didn't do a great job at it.

"I'm just glad I'm not going to be alone," He stated honestly, I smiled at him, thanking the lord that it wouldn't cause my dad to go on with embarrassing stories.

"You're going to have to remind her to eat, she has a bad memory and will forget to if she's just scrolling through the internet, playing video games, watching tv or reading. She'll also forget to drink as well. so you have to look out for that, especially since she gets ill easily and being dehydrated and malnourished will only make the chances of her getting ill even more likely." I could hear he was worried about me but god was it embarrassing.

"Dad stop, my immune system may be almost nonexistent but still, you don't need to tell him all this, we aren't going to leave the apartment, well I'm not. He's already said he would walk the dogs and we can order food online." I explained, my embarrassment levels were going through the roof and I can feel myself blushing even harder than I already was.

"It's still important that you eat and drink Bea, thanks for the heads up sir." He replied and he sounded so professional a

"For the love of god don't call him sir it will go to his head and that's already so big his hair grows in patches." I joked causing mum and dad to laugh. Mum a lot harder and louder. I can see her with her head back

We carried on talking and joking about for a few minutes more before we said our goodbyes and ended the call.

"Sorry about those two, they're just as sarcastic as me." I laughed as plopping myself down onto the couch. Pongo and Otto were both curled up on the floor sleeping the day away.

"Don't, they were fun to talk too. Nice to see where you get all your sense of humour and sarcasm from. Plus it's good that I know to remind you to eat and drink otherwise you could get ill without catching the damn virus." He replied sitting next to mr.

"I'm better than I used to be, I've never really had an appetite so if I'm doing something I'm so engrossed with I forget I need to eat and drink to survive you know. Since living here I've been a lot better." I explained playing with my hair a nervous tick I've never been able to kick.

A/N Sorry this took so long I've been working a lot more than normal and it's really putting me out of whack when it comes to writing. Speaking of working to much I yet again finished this while I wait for the kid to wake up/waking him up. Today is another long day so hopefully I should have another chapter by the end of the week, maybe a little sooner than that. Massive social distancing hugs Bea xxx.

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