Chapter 20

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Third Person POV

        He started with a punch in the face and then her gut, which she took without crying, she did, however, try to stop him. He just quite literally had the upper hand due to size and build. She was only able to deflect 1 out of 5 punches. It didn't take her to long to end up on the floor. She tried to stay on her feet as long as she could but it was just a waste of energy in the end. She was screaming in pain and begging him to stop hoping someone would hear her and call the police, maybe even come and help, but she didn't have much hope for the latter. There was also a small part of her that was hoping he would stop himself, but she knew the likeliness of that was smaller than an ant.

        There was nothing but rage and hatred fueling Jake, she could see it in his eyes and felt it with every blow to her gut. She was just a punching bag to him at this point, not a human being that he once claimed to love. It was like he couldn't hear her begging him to stop but a the same time it was fueling him to keep on going.

        All her strength was being used to not cry. That would make him to happy and pleased with himself. She couldn't let him win completely. She had to have some kind of victory even if it was the smallest one in existence.

        Shayne was running as fast as he could leaving Damien a few hundred yards behind him. The closer he got the louder the screams and calls for help were. by now he knew for certain that it was Becca, and he hated himself for not being able to get there faster. Damien was struggling to keep up with him and was falling further behind.

        Becca could feel the blood trickling down her face and she could taste iron in her mouth. She dreaded to think what she looked like at this point, she knew it couldn't be good. She curled herself up into a ball remembering the story her dad told her once about how he was beaten up by a large group of older kids when he was younger and because he was curled up in a tight rigid position he came out with only a really swollen head. The momrey made her smile inwardly giving her the tiniest bit more hope. She was struggling to breathe now due to all the blood in her mouth. The fact he was kicking the shit out of her chest, and with every kick, it got harder and harder didn't help either.

        She was doing everything in her power to stay conscious. She knew that if she passed out there was a chance she wouldn't wake up. She was trying to focus on a certain thing in her line of sight and her eyes fell on a poster for a lost cat that was lying on the floor. She was trying her best to keep her eyes open and focus on the picture, picking apart every little detail she could of what was in the background.

        Once there was nothing left to pick apart on the poster she moved her head down slightly and her ear touched one of her headphones. The sound of Battle Scars by Paradise Fears filled her ears. It was at that point she knew she was fighting a losing battle. Bit maybe, just maybe she could win the war.

        When Shayne finally reached the ally he didn't think twice about punching Jake straight in the jaw. This caused Jake to stumble back and away from her. Her eyes were now closed and the sight pissed Shayne off so he lashed out and started beating the shit out of Jake. Jake was now focusing on beating the shit out of him instead of the girl covered in blood and bruises. Punches were flying all over the place by the time Damien joined them, he went straight to Becca who was lying on the floor.

        Her eyes were closed and no matter what he couldn't get her to respond to him. She had blacked out, her body had been in so much pain it felt the kinder thing to do was shut down, no matter how hard she had tried to stay awake. She had drifted off to the sound of the last line of the song "Keep marching on." Damien moved her out of the ally and out of the way so he could see how badly she was hurt.

        Shayne could hear the sound of a police car and an ambulance in the distance so he did his best to pin Jake against a wall, but it was no use. Jake kneed him right in the crotch causing Shayne to double over slightly but long enough for him to get away.

        "FUCK" Shayne yelled as he saw Jake run off into the darkness of the cold night. Now he went over to Becca to see how she was. He had no idea she was unconscious. When he saw her all the rage that had fueled his fight with Jake melted away in an instant. Replacing that with nothing but worry. He put her head in his lap and started stroking her hair.

        Back home all of her friends had no idea what was going on, and they were all now pacing around the small apartment. They knew something was wrong. Pongo and Otto were agitated not just due to the pacing but they knew something had happened to Becca.

        "Come on Bea, stay with me now. I can't lose you before yet, I don't know enough about you" Shayne whispered to her softly, hoping that she could hear him. " I don't think I ever could."

        Damien was stood in the middle of the street looking for the ambulance as it felt like it was taking forever to get to them.

        Shayne took off his jacket and put it over her to try and do his best to keep her warm as the cold breeze was getting worse. There was blood all over hers causing it to be damp. She was starting to feel cold to the touch.

A/N I would say sorry about yet another cliffhanger but I'm just not. 😋♥️♥️  I edited this on my phone while babysit so hopefully it's not to bane. 🙂😋♥️

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