Chapter 17

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        As I walked over to the door I couldn't help but panic about who it was, the only person I know who might actually knock was Shayne but he was at work filming some more videos at the Smosh office. And the only time Betty knocked on my door was when she needed sugar for her coffee because she ran out, or she needed someone to house sit while she was out staying with her son who lives in New York with his wife. I was scared it was Jake, I mean I know it wouldn't be him, he's having too much fun torturing me with the letters and following me around.

        I took a deep breath before opening the door, something was off though, Pongo and Otto were sniffing, wagging their tails like mad and doing a slight jig waiting for me to open the door. I couldn't help but smile at them, I haven't seen them do this in a while, so it was nice to see them this happy.

      "SURPRISE!" was all I could hear before I was engulfed in a massive group hug, I didn't even get a chance to see who was actually at the door. I figured it out pretty quick though, I'd recognise Hope's perfume anywhere. As soon as that smell hit me I joined in with the hug, it was something I really needed and missed.

        "What the hell are you guys doing here?" I asked with the biggest smile on my face still engulfed in the hug, not wanting it to ever end. It had been so long since I'd had one and I had been needing it so bad that all the tension in my body left and I relaxed for the first time in what might as well have been forever.

        "I said we were thinking about coming, we all decided that living like a tin of sardines for a couple of weeks was worth it as it would mean we would all be together again," Raven said with a slight laugh at the end. We were all still in a massive group hug, none of us wants it to end, they were all in sweatpants and hoodies, the best things to wear on a long hall flight.

        When we finally ended the hug we stepped back forming a weird circle by my still open front door, both dogs were running around the circle making sure to get their sent on everyone as fast as they could. They were also getting pets as they made their rounds. We weren't saying anything we were just looking at each other waiting for someone to say something. It wasn't an awkward silence, it never was around them, it was the kind of silence that made everyone in the room relax and feel comfortable.

        "Right," I said clapping my hands together. "Who wants a cuppa?" I asked with a smile, everyone laughed and nodded their heads. As I went over to the kitchen and put the kettle on they wheeled their suitcases in and they finally closed the door. As I looked over at them I saw that not only had they brought enough clothes to since Bismark they had also brought their instruments, meaning my kind of spacious flat now felt like the smallest place in the world, but at this point in time I couldn't care less, I was just happy they were here with me. Don't get me wrong though it will piss me off sooner or later, you can put money on it.

        "So, you lot are staying here for a couple of weeks, then?" I asked with a smile, they nodded "Right, so why the hell did you pack enough clothes to last a bloody month?" I laughed at them. They had a habit of overpacking, it was both ridiculous and hilarious at the same time.

        "You can never be too careful when it comes to clothes and shoes, I can't talk for the lads though," Raven said while plopping down on the sofa along with Mel, Katie and Mikey. Matt sat on the single chair While Rob and Hope just sat on the floor.

        "Hey, we have a lot of shoes too I'll have you know," Rob said clicking his fingers with a slight laugh at the end failing to keep a straight face.

        As I made the teas I couldn't help but just think how much I had missed this, just us talking and being in the same room. I know it's going to be a struggle, 7 people using one bathroom and all but it was going to be worth it, or at least that's how I'm feeling right now. There's just something about the way a place feels when we're all together in one place. At this point, I would be happy with them just being in the same country let alone the same flat. Huh here was me thinking I was used to saying apartment like the rest of America, the guys are rubbing off on me. Soon I'll be talking like I never left Cumbria, which will be nice, I've missed being northern without being the odd one out. I'll be full-on northern soon.

        "Right, Who's helping m carry the mugs?" I asked while putting the milk back into the fridge, I also made a mental note to buy more bread and milk, or get one of the lads to do it. Might as well put them to work while they're here. I put all the mugs on 2 different trays, yes I have trays don't judge me, I like to make my breakfast and then go back to bed to eat it.

        Raven came over and grabbed a tray and took it over to the others, I grabbed the other tray and finally joined them. I put the tray on the coffee table and looked at the sofa.

        "Budge up you lot," I told them with a laugh and then plopped down in the middle next to Raven and Katie, it was tight but worth it as it just made me feel like I was finally at home. We all grabbed a mug, knowing who's was easy since everyone had their own mug.

        Mine said, "Leave me alone I'm only talking to my dogs". Rob's said "AD/ HD Highway to Hey a squirrel". Katie's said, "Coffee because anger management is too expensive". Matt's said, "Of course, I talk to myself sometimes I need expert advice". Ravens was simply just a Pokeball. Mikey's said, "In memory of when I could sleep in". Hope's said, "I've met some pricks in my time, but you sir are a cactus". We didn't really intend to claim a mug each but it just happened over time as we somehow ended up using the same mug every time they stayed at mine, it was quite funny actually, the number of stupid fights over who was using whos mug.

        "So What did you have planned today Shorty?" Rob asked looking up at me, with a stupid smirk on his face, everyone laughed a little at my face as it had annoyance written all over it, but I couldn't help but smile a little, I mean I had missed it. I'm not admitting that to them though, they'll never let me live it down.

        "Nothing. Just some household chores. I know I live such an exciting life right." I said my voice dripping with sarcasm making everyone do a proper belly laugh, a sound I had missed, there was nothing like the sound of the 7 people you care about the most belly laughing with all their might.

        My notebook had been put to one side and we talked for a little before I got to work, with help from the others which meant everything was done in no time and we could spend even more time taking and just messing about. We all decided that tomorrow we would all sit down together and work on a song and see what we could come up with, writing is always easier when I have them to bounce off of. I was actually excited for tomorrow.

        Matt and Rob blew the air bed up and ended up sleeping on it as Mikey had made himself comfy on the couch and there was no way of moving him. The bed was tight and cosy, to say the least with all four girls trying to sleep on it, gladly Pongo and Otto decided to sleep on the air bed with the lads, they didn't really have anywhere else to sleep, to be honest, and I was just glad they didn't even try to get on the bed with us. There was definitely no chance they would get to sleep on the bed if they did, just people. No one was happy about Mikey getting to sleep on the couch by himself as we all knew he would get the best sleep.

        Everyone fell asleep way before I did as they didn't get much sleep on the plane as according to them, "They were too excited and couldn't stop messing about with each other." In other words, they had a lot of fun pissing each other off as well as everyone else on the damn plane. I was looking up at the ceiling with a small smile on my face. I felt like I was home with all of them here, but most importantly I felt safe and like Jake couldn't do anything to me with them here. I felt like I could take on the world and nothing could get in my way. I felt like everything was right with the world again.

Cafe Girl (Shayne Topp)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum