Chapter 2

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The walk to my apartment wasn't long it was only a mile, which I'm used to walking. School was a mile away so I had to do that 5 days a week, just this time I actually want to go to work, I get paid to do something fun, apart from the feet pain and dodgy customers. THe only problem about it was that my feet were killing me every step I took. But the only thing on my mind the whole time was going to the apartment below me to get Pongo and Otto from Betty. she was a lovely old lady who lived alone and was basically a grandma to everyone in the building.

It was a 4 story building with 4 apartments on each floor (1a + 1b etc), they were all occupied apart from the one opposite me. We all know that if we ever needed anything she was more than happy and lend a hand if she, she was basically a doggy day care for the building. She wasn't too sure about letting Otto in because he was a guard dog but if you're not my ex or pose a threat to me he a sweetheart, plus he's a massive softy to other dogs. I would always get back from work and he would be with the Pomeranian from 3a.

I picked up Pongo and Otto and they were excited as always to see me and ran over to me to give me some love. Nothing beats being greeted by these idiots after a long day at work. We walked up the stairs, there wasn't many since I was on the first floor, or as the Americans call it the second floor as they don't call the ground floor ground floor. That really confused me at first, but I guess it makes sense with the numbers of the apartments. There were only 20 steps so it wasn't a massive work out and it didn't feel right taking the lift unless I had a tonne of stuff to carry.

When we were up I saw a load of boxes outside the flat opposite me and I couldn't help but smile at the idea of a new neighbour. Just as I was unlocking my door the opposite one opened and a cat walked out. Pongo yelped as he was scared of them and Otto sniffed it because there isn't an animal in the world that he could hate. I bent down to stroke the kitty and it happily curled up on the floor .

"Hey, there little guy." I cooed slightly. I've grown up with cats from day one. I had two cats myself till they sadly died and my next door neighbour had about 5 of them so I have a massive soft spot for the cutie.

"Hello again." I heard the familiar voice come from above.

"So you own this cutie," I said while standing up. "Oh, and I guess you're my new neighbour too," I smirked. I heard Pongo whimper again and turned around. "Hey bud, it's OK... See Otto likes him," I said with a calm voice. I stroked his head and finally opened my door so he could go inside and feel safe. I made sure I let him off his lead first.

"I've never seen a dog scared of my cat before."

"Pongo had a bad experience with a cat back home, Otto on the other hand just loves them... As you can clearly see." I said with a smile. I let Otto of his lead and watched him walk over and cuddle Pongo who was laying on the couch.

He just sniggered at the dogs and looked at me with a curious look. "So You're my neighbour, the land lord told me about the dogs, I just didn't put a woman like you with a Rottweiler."

"Rotties have a bad rap, they are sweet hearts, so long as you don't cross the owner and their pack that is." I smirked "Listen I really need to get off my feet, these bloody heels I have to wear have killed them. How about when you have put all the boxes where they need to be you come over for a cup of tea. I may not be back in England but I sure as hell will act like I am with my neighbour." I smiled while trying to put as little pressure on my feet as possible.

"Sure, I'll knock in say 15 minutes" He smiled. I nodded my head and walked into my apartment. I took my shoes off right away and put on my slippers.

 I took my shoes off right away and put on my slippers

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 I keep them by the front door for this very reason. They make me feel like I'm walking on clouds. I made myself a cup of tea and sat on my couch with the dogs. My and were still on my coffee table from the night before. I opened it up to the song that I had been working on for the past few days. I had settled on the name Uninspired I read through it just to make sure that I was happy with the lyrics before playing.

It was a slow and meaningful song that really reflected how I was feeling right now. It was sparked when I was sat on a bench with a face that was the definition of depressed, and this complete stranger sat next to me for a minute just to tell me I would find the light that's in the dark and it really stuck with me. I took a deep breath and started to sing, hoping I still had time to finish singing before Shayne knocked.

When the lights go out,
And the show is over,
When the crowd has gone,
And you know you're sober,
You put trust in all those people
Who convinced you it was right,
And while you can't,
You know the boss will sleep tonight.

I took time,
There were things you won't believe,
But there's warmth within this winter,
There were harsher times than these,
A stranger told me,
I would find the light that's in the dark,
Now a strangers words I hold close to my heart.

Label you then leave you,
No they won't stay for the fight,
It's the closest thing to empty,
And the furthest from the light,
I got what I asked for,
Now I'm lonely and I'm tired,
I am hurt,
And even worse,
I'm uninspired,

Always felt the rush,
By the shows with empty rows,
Your transport in transit,
And you pray for radio,
You've a name that no one cares for,
And a face that no one knows,
You take that path cause it's the only route you know,

Label you then leave you,
No they won't stay for the fight,
It's the closest thing to empty,
And the furthest from the light,
I used to be an artist,
Now I'm nothing I desire,
I am hurt,
And even worse,
I'm uninspired,

Curtains close and roses hit the stage,
I forget the pain each time I hear you shout my name,
You're my favourite memories,
And I thank you no end,
You're my reason,
You're my life,
And you're my friend
Label you then leave you,
No they won't stay for the fight,
It's the closest thing to empty,
And the furthest from the light,
I used to be a person that I loved and I admired,
Now I'm hurt
And even worse,
I'm uninspired

I smiled when I finished playing, there was just something about it that made me want to write more, even though I have no inspiration to do so. Kinda why this song was so hard to write even though I had the motivation to finish. Plus it's why named it what I did, it perfectly described how I felt. But once the lyrics started flowing they wouldn't stop. The melody was the hardest part, I started on my guitar, which is the instrument I have confidence in, but it just didn't sound right. But when I started to play something on the piano, the instrument I have the least confidence in, there was something about the way it sounded that made me go with it. It took me ages to get it t sound right but the way it sounds now

Just as I closed my notebook and realised I had let my tea go cold there was a knock on the door. I stood up and walked over to the putting my cold tea in the kitchen on the way.

Cafe Girl (Shayne Topp)Where stories live. Discover now