Chapter 6

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When Shayne finished making everyone a drink I went over to help him bring them over, Otto came over to my side so I could use him as leverage to get up. He had taught himself to do that when he saw I was struggling, it impressed me the first time. It was weirdly quiet in my apartment and it was beginning to unnerve me.

"Thought you would like a hand." I smiled as I picked up a few mugs, including my own.

"For someone who lives alone you have a lot of mugs," Shayne said with a laugh, he joined me on the floor. We put the mugs on the coffee table and he said which was coffee and which was tea.

"I have a slight problem when it comes to resisting buying stupid mugs when I see them, plus I do plan on my mates flying over one day so I might as well be prepared." I smiled taking a sip of my tea and picking up my skips while popping one in my mouth. I missed skips, god I missed most the shit I would eat every day back home because they were either way too expensive here or just nowhere to be found.

There was a long pause, well it felt like a long one to me anyway. I was beginning to worry flash backs were going to appear and that is one thing I never want to go through ever again. Everyone was just said not knowing what to say and sipping at their drinks. It was killing me, the dogs were picking up on my anxiety. Pongo laid on Shayne resting his head on my lap and Otto laid down on the other side of me and did the same. I smiled, laughing a little at Pongo and stroked their heads. I put the now empty bag of crisps and tea on the coffee and took a slight breath.

"Ok this is really awkward since I know none of you other than Shayne, so please for the love of god tell me your names, talk about something, anything I hate silence," I spoke with a slight laugh clapping my hands. Everyone laughed a little. "Oh and I'm Becca by the way." I smiled.





"Damien." I smiled at them all and looked over at the box. I sighed slightly and grabbed it, making the dogs move off my lap in the process. Shayne seemed to be glad that Pongo was of him too, he is a bony dog.

"So my mum and Gran made me this care package thingy, filled with everything I lived off of as a kid... And through exam seasons." I laughed slightly. "Anyway, I know for a fact they wouldn't pack tea bags without out." I paused a little and looked around for a moment before grabbing a couple packets of my favourite dunking biscuits. "Rich tea biscuits, the best biscuits for dunking into any hot drink." I smiled at the fact that they had packed 2 packets of them.

"That's such an English thing to send someone, tea bags." Shayne joked.

"Hey, I live of tea, like any good Northerner does, plus nothing beats Ringtons traditional tea. Nothing." I smiled opening the biscuit packet.

"You actually have a favourite brand of tea," Noah asked in shock.

"Everyone does... don't they. I know everyone back home does. Plus Ringtons tea just reminds me of Christmas and my gran." I smiled dunking a biscuit into my tea and taking a bite, making sure nothing fell into my tea or on the floor. Shayne copied me and everyone else soon followed suit.

We started talking, and they mocked some of the stuff that was in the box, mainly because most of it was biscuits and sweets. We got to know each other a little and I couldn't quite believe that I've gone from knowing no one over her to knowing six people that all seem to be really sweet and fun to be around.

Shayne and his friends had fallen into a conversation about work and I saw that as my queue to leave for a moment and make a cup of tea. I needed some air as I hadn't talked that much in ages and it was starting to get to me. I'm just not used to being around actual people at home and all the conversations I had been apart of here were with two sleepy parties, but these guys are full of energy when all I wanted to do was sleep. Skipping meals was something I was good at, not because I didn't like to eat because that is one of my favourite pass times. But because my family didn't have a load of money so I would go without breakfast and lunch sometimes during the holidays because we just didn't have enough food. I had breakfast and lunch today so I knew I didn't actually need to eat anything and if I did I would have to risk feeling a little queasy tomorrow. I put my mug down on the counter and got my phone out my pocket. I opened up Skype and sent a message on the group chat we had saying whoever was planning on Skyping me today could go back to sleep as I wasn't up for it and needed to go to sleep. I said I would explain later why.

I wasn't expecting a response from anyone because it was 2 am back home, but then again Raven wasn't one for sleeping at normal times.

Raven: You OK Boo?

Becca: Yeah, just work was havoc and Shayne is over with 5, I repeat 5 of his mates and I'm about to keel over into a deep ass sleep.

Raven: You making a tea while they chat by any chance? :P

Becca: You know me so well Hun, so well.

I carried on messaging Raven while making my cuppa, Shayne and his mates seem to be oblivious to the fact that I wasn't there anymore. I was kinda glad about that though as it meant that I could breathe and talk to Raven now instead of having to stay awake another couple of hours to Skype her.

Becca: How do I ask them to leave without looking like a dick. With you lot, I just told you to piss off coz I need sleep, but I bearly know these guys.

Raven: I dunno, I do the same thing you plonker.

Becca: FUCK

What do I do Boo.


Raven: Calm down bitch, just say your knackered and could really do with going to sleep, just don't forget to let the dogs out first.

Becca: I feel like that's kinda rude tho.


Look they'll understand, I mean you've been on your feet all day.

Becca: I guess you have a point.

Anyway why you up at 2 in the morning.

Raven: I couldn't sleep, plus you got my addicted to Riverdale and I need to finish it because we all know as soon as Mel finds out I'm watching it she'll spoil the ending.

Becca: She has a habit of doing that doesn't she.


Anyway get rid of the hottie and his mates and go to sleep.

Becca: Will do, talk to you on my break tomorrow, later on in the day for you, K?

Raven: DEAL! <3

Night boo

Becca: Good luck with the show boo. :P <3

I laughed a little at Rae calling Shayne "The hottie" that was definitely what the rest of the group was going to call him from now on. Making a tea turned into a hot chocolate which I was not complaining about .I looked over at the others and saw they were all looking at me, Smirking. Shayne wasn't with them though. I looked over my shoulder and saw he was standing behind me. He grabbed my phone with a smirk, instantly getting flash backs to school when my mates would do this anytime someone was texting and not talking.

"Who ya texting?" He asked with a smirk.

"Well first of I'm not texting anyone because that would cost an arm and a leg considering everyone I know is still in the UK. I was messaging Raven on Skype." I smirked taking a sip of my drink, just then I yawned so hard a little noise came out.

"Tired?" He asked with a smile and a slight laugh.

"Yeah, I feel like I could pass out any second." I laughed. I looked over to the door and saw that both dogs were there. "And by the looks of it so do my doggos." I smiled rubbing my eyes slightly.

"I guess we should leave then." Shayne smiled, as he said this the others got up off the couch and came to say good night, they were planning on staying the night at Shayne's due to it being closer to work meaning they could have a lie in. I gave everyone a hug goodbye and sighed when they had left, happy to have the place to myself again as it meant I could pass out and sleep for the rest of the year. Well, that's how I felt, I know for a fact that as soon as my alarm goes off in the morning I'll be up moaning and groaning away.

A few minutes after they all had left and my hot chocolate was all gone I took the dogs down stairs to do their thing and went to bed. It didn't take long before I was asleep. It also didn't take me long to wake up in a sweat.

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