Chapter 21

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Third Peron POV

           The hospital room was almost silent, the only sound was coming from the machines that were attached to Becca in some way. It had been a week since Jake had gotten to her. Shayne and Damien were sat by her side both worried about whether she was going to wake up. Shayne hadn't really left her side, only to do shoots that he had to be in and certain scenes he needed to film, other than that they gave him the week off as guys at the Smosh office knew he wasn't going to be at his best, they were just glad they had stuffed filmed ahead of time they could use while he was out.

        When Becca finally opened her eyes she saw both Shayne and Damien at her bedside and she closed her eyes again. She should see her dogs not them, she didn't get it. She was confused and scared and just in a whole load of pain and she didn't know why. She just knew she was in a hospital she'd been in one before and she had a feeling she would be in one again knowing her luck. She just had no idea how she got there and why she was in so much pain

        The main thing that was confusing her was why Damien was there, she knew that he didn't like her that much and that the fact he was there couldn't be that great. Something had to have happened and he must have been there when said something happened. A lot made her confused but nothing more than when people she knew didn't like her were worried about her, it just didn't sit right with her.

        "How long have I been here?" She asked with a corse voice pain just radiated out of her voice and mannerisms. There was something about how she said it that made Shayne hold her hand and squeeze it tight. The only thing that was running through her mind was the fact that her friends could already be back in the UK and she could be on her own again, with Jake out there somewhere. The thought of that made her close her eyes.

        "You've been out for a week now," Damien said seeing Shayne was shocked that she was actually awake when for a while he thought she was never going to as she was just so still and quiet.

        "So all my friends have gone back to the UK then," Becca said her voice shacked and you could hear the heartbreak in it. She didn't get a chance to say a proper goodbye to them when she had to leave the UK and she thought she could make up for it this time by giving them a proper send-off but it felt like it was London all over again.

        It was at this point that she saw that Shayne had a split lip and a very slightly faided black eye, she dreaded to think about what other bruises he may have. It made her wonder about what her body looked like, with the amount of pain she was in she could only imagine that her body looked like one massive bruise. She couldn't help but think that Shayne looked hotter with the split lip, she knew she shouldn't and that wasn't a good thing to think but it was a primal instinct so who was she to deny that.

        "Well, sorta, the guys couldn't get more time off of work but Mel, Raven, Hope and Katie were able to get some extra time off somehow, so you don't have to worry about who's been looking after Pongo and Otto this past week, or being alone when you go back home. I also don't think they're going to let you go anywhere alone when you get home." Shayne answered hoping it would make her feel a little better as well as take her mind off whatever it was that made her voice sound so heartbroken.

        They went silent for a bit after that, which Becca hated. There was something about it that made her feel all kinds of awkward. She just felt like there should always be some kind of background noise and not the beeping kind that you get in hospitals, that just makes everyone go tense. The whole time you're just hoping that the beeping never stops whether it's yours or someone else's. 

        Becca took the time to try and see what was wrong with her in the hopes that it would help her piece together what had happened but it was no use. All she could see where her blankets as she was unable to lift them up due to the pain. She couldn't feel anything on her limbs so she can't have any casts on here which means she can't have any broken bones, so that was a plus for her.

        "What happened to me?" She asked with a quiver in her voice not really knowing if she wanted to know the answer to her question.

        "You, you don't remember," Damien asked He raised one of his eyebrows.

        She paused for a second closing her eyes while trying to remember what happened to her but it was no use. That's when it hit her, it wasn't a what happened but a who. She opened her eyes and looked at them, there was no light left in her eyes, they were dull and broken.

        "Jake." She whispered with a monotone voice and nothing but a broken heart. "He found me again." Her voice hitched as she said again, her brain finally piecing together what happened and allowing her to remember everything that he said and did.

        "What do you mean again?" Damien asked looking at her with nothing but confusion and a little bit of worry on his face not understanding how he could have done something like this to her before and gotten away with it.

        She knew it would happen, that she shouldn't have walked home alone. That if she had just let Matt walk her home she would have been able to spend the last week with her friends instead of in a coma, in a hospital bed. If she had just left a little earlier when it wasn't dark then he wouldn't have made a move. If she had just got an uber instead of walking.

        All of this was running through her mind causing it to go into a spiral down to rock bottom when in reality it wasn't her fault at all. It was all down to Jake, it was his fault. If he could have just let her go and not go after her. If he just wasn't an abusive asshole she would still be at home in the UK with all her friends. Her life would be on track and where she wanted to be. He was the real reason she was in a hospital bed not herself. It wasn't her fault, but try telling her that. Try telling any abused man, woman or child it wasn't their fault. You might as well try getting blood out of a stone.

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