Chapter 58

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Becca's POV

"I knew your mates were mad, but I had no idea how insane they could be. I mean BingoGate, really?."  Shayne laughed.

"BingoGate was a serious situation. Hope and I didn't talk for a week, just consider how awkward that was for the rest of them since we were always around each other. She wouldn't let it go. It's ridiculous yes but still, it hurt that she thought I would cheat at a dumb game. That's why we made a deal to never bring it up and just forget about it. Like when we get heated, we get HEATED." I laughed putting emphasis on the second heated.

"I get that but how did she come to the conclusion that you were cheating?" He asked with a smile.

"THAT'S WHAT I DON'T GET." I didn't quite yell but I was definitely loud. "Look, I don't know and I really don't wanna talk about BingoGate, this is exactly why it is known as such and should never be spoken of." I giggled a little shaking my head.

"Ok, ok, it is also a banned topic between us too." He joked making me smile and laugh a little more.

"Do I get to know the title of the song you're working on, or am I not allowed to know that yet?" He joked with a dumb smile on his face changing the subject. I shook my head a little smiling like an idiot.

"It's just a working title but I'm thinking Lucky Stars. And it's not like you're not allowed to hear the song it's just that I have like 4 lines of lyrics and I'm a perfectionist about my music, I want it to be exactly what I want it to be before the person it's fo hears it." I smile. I take another mouthful of tea.

"At least by the title I can tell its not going to be a song I want to have written about me." He smiled.

"What on earth made you think that?" I joked with a cheeky smile making him laugh and shake his head.

We sat for a couple of minutes in silence just enjoying each others company as we finished our drinks. I have a feeling Shayne was enjoying it a little more since it gave him a chance to fully wake up. We also messed about with Pongo and Otto, we didn't really say anything other than comments about the dogs and making fun of them a little bit.

 "What are you filming today?" I ask with a smile while Otto decided he is a lap dog and somehow managed to curl up so most of his body is on my lap. Pongo just looked at him and decided that it looked comet and di the same to Shayne making him laugh at the absurdity.

"Every Quarantine ever, why?" He smiled. He kissed Pongo on the top of his head.

"Just wondering. How many ways did Damien get Freyja and Zelda into the video?" I asked with a laugh.

"I think about 3 of his scenes." He laughed lightly.

"I'm surprised he didn't get them in all of his, to be honest." I chuckled. "Oh while you're filming do you want me to keep these two monsters out the way?" I asked as I somehow manage to worm my hands in a way where I could give both dogs belly rubs.

"You don't have to, I'm more than happy to have them in a few of my scenes if that's alright with you." He smiled.

"I feel like I have to since the last two videos they have been in the audience loved them. Plus it will make my time outside working on lyrics with the psychos I call my mates." I laughed. "I have a feeling it's going to be one hell of a time and I have no idea if it's going to be a good or bad thing." I joked laughing lightly and shaking my head a little.

"Something tells me you're going to have fun no matter what." He replied sweetly. looking at me smiling at me softly.

"Yeah, I have a feeling your right," I replied softly looking at him. I still have no idea how I ended up here, with him of all people. 

"How did I get so lucky to run into you I mean I had been here about a year before you ever came to the cafe. As of witch that I had been working at since the day I landed, literally and yet you came out the blue. I was petrified and always looking over my shoulder before I knew you. But now, I'm not. Thinking about it now I actually can't remember the last time I felt the need to." As I finished talking I noticed the way he was looking at me. I could feel myself start to blush. 

"God I love you." There was something about the way he said it that made me believe it. It took him a second to realise what he had said. I could see the worry build in his eyes as he realised what he had just said.

I looked at him for a minute and thought about what he said. I felt my heart beat faster but for once it wasn't building up to a panic attack. I know that feeling and this is different. 

"I..." I wanted to say I love you back but the words got stuck. I looked at Shayne and saw how worried and hurt he looked and it broke my heart. I took a deep breath and I could feel my body start to shake. 

"I want to say it back but I said it so many times to Jake that the words get caught in the back of my throat.." My voice shook as I talked. The look on his face softened he held my hand and started caressing it.

We sat there for a little just taking in what we had said. I don't know what I felt, it was almost like I was both anxious yet calm. It was weird. I can tell Shayne meant what he said and understood what I couldn't say it back right now but I could tell he was hurt by it. Who wouldn't be? It's amazing the damage one guy can do to your life even after he's out of the picture forever.

After got knows how long my phone buzzed a million times, meaning my mates were getting impatient and wanted to write some music. I shook my head and Shayed let out a light laugh.

"I think my friends are sick of waiting." I laughed lightly. 

"Something tells me you're right. I should probably get started on setting up stuff to record too." He smiled. 

Third Person POV

There was something about the way they were looking at each other at that moment that gave Becca the courage and confidence to make a move. She may not have been able to say how she truly felt about Shayne but She was needed to show him. She didn't think twice about what she was going to do. 

Placing her right hand on his cheek the feel of his stubble against her palm tickled her slightly causing her to smile lightly. She leaned in and kissed Shayne without a second thought.It took him a second to react. He depended the kiss by placing his hand on her back. 

He tasted of coffee, and even though she hated coffee there was something about the way it tasted on his lips and tounge that made her love it ever so. Shayne was lost in the smell of her cherry perfume and the way she felt against him.

The kiss was tender and passionate reveling how she truly felt about him in a way that Shayne never expected. her stomach fluttered as the kiss went on, causing time to stop for them. The sound of her phone buzzing and ringing was as if it was miles away not right next to them. All they could hear was their heats beating faster and almost in sync. 

She leaned forward more causing him to lean back making it so she was almost on top of him. It was as if the kiss itself was a black hole, pulling her in until all gravity was lost. The need to breath was forgotten by both as neither of them wanted to stop. To stop the feeling of pure love and passion.

As she moved her hand to his shoulder he trailed his up to her cheek. She leaned into his hand loving the feeling of safety that it brought. Like nothing she had ever felt before making her knees weaken. 

As the kiss ended to looked at each other with small smiles their foreheads resting against each others. Words failing them both as they just took in what had just unfolded.

A/N I'M SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG TO WRITE. I spent WAY too much time writing this and trying to make it as close to perfect as I could. 

I've also been a little stressed as I haven't been working as much as normal and flare ups are happening a lot more than normal so pain has been a big factor as well. 

I really hope you liked this. Massive Social Distancing Hugs B xxx

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