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Sorry, this isn't an update. I know I'm overdue to write and upload one and have been for a while. I'm My defence I recently went back to college in an attempt to become a mental health nurse/CAMS worker, that makes sense to anyone from the UK so for everyone else, they are a mental health organisation that specialises in children and teenagers, basically anyone up to the age of 18/19. It's an intensive course that then gets me into University to become a registered nurse.  Thankfully everyone on my course is either around my age or way older so actually know what they want to do and actually want to do all the work. They are also so fucking nice and sarcastic it's unbelievable, they make classes and learning a load of fun. :P 

I promise once I've finished and handed in my first assignment I will write and upload a new chapter. So the latest it should be up is Saturday. I've been procrastinating it for a week and need to stop that honestly. I've also been having problems with my hips so that hasn't helped me out at all. Turns out I may need to have cortisone shots in my hips on a regular basis now. Let me tell you they are not fun at all. So yeah I'm dealing with a lot but I do want to get this story finished soon as I feel like it's getting to the point where it should. As much as I would love to keep it going forever I think I need to finish it. I mean that is how books work, they all come to an end sooner or later. 

Lots and lots of massive hugs Bea xxx

Cafe Girl (Shayne Topp)Where stories live. Discover now