Chapter 9

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Shayne's POV

I stood there leaning against the mailboxes confused about what had just happened. I stood there for a few more minutes before heading back up to my apartment. I don't know what happened to her, I mean that had to be one hell of a nightmare to make her act like that when all I did was touch her shoulder. And what the hell was that letter about? And who on earth was Jake? And why did she seem so scared of him? I was filled with questions that I wasn't sure I was ever going to get answers to.

Damien was stood outside, probably wondering where the hell I've been since getting mail doesn't really take 20 minutes. He looked at me with a confused look on his face.

"What took you so long man?" He asked leaning against the door. He raised his eyebrows at me a little. I didn't really know what to say. I was confused myself.

"Just... Becca" He rose his eyebrows again, basically asking me to be more specific. I told him what happened, told him about how she freaked out when I touched her shoulder, the panic attack, and how she reacted to that letter.

"I don't trust her man, there's just something about her that's off. I mean she's hiding something big."

"You know nothing about her."

"Exactly and neither do you. You've known her what, 3 days? Plus you even said yourself that she was running from something, more likely someone."

"So what I know her more than you. just because she's hiding something doesn't mean we can't trust her. Everyone hides something from their past they don't like, it's human nature."

"Look we have no real idea what's she's running from, and from what you just told me it's definitely not anything good."

"What is your problem Damien, she's done nothing but be nice to us." I raised my voice, starting to get pissed at him, but I made sure it wasn't loud enough for anyone else to hear.

"My problem is I just don't trust her, I mean she just seems off to me. I don't know man there's just something about her." His voice was just as loud as mine.

"Hey, what are you two doing out here still," Noah asked with the others behind him. Before me or Damien had a chance to answer Bea interrupted us.

"ONE OF YOU HAD TO TELL SOMEONE WHERE I LIVED, HOW ELSE WOULD HE FUCKING FIND ME!" She screamed it, probably at the top of her lungs, there was a mixture of fear, anger, and betrayal in her voice. We just looked at each other, worried and confused. There was a slight muttering coming from what was most likely her laptop and it was probably one of her mates.

"CALM DOWN?! HOW THE FUCK CAN I DO THAT WHEN JAKE KNOWS WHERE I AM." She was still screaming, but she was closer to the door as it was louder this time. We all looked at each other, wondering if we should do something.

"He knows where I am guys... He'll kill me this time." We could only just hear her this time, she sounded so defeated. I could hear her slide down the door. I looked at everyone, and it was clear that no one knew what to do. Who would know what to do, I mean you don't plan for this shit.

I knocked on her door, I have no idea why I mean it was clear she wasn't going to answer. When she didn't I knelt down and sat on the floor by the door, doing what she was, but I was facing the door, in the hopes that she would hear what I said.

"Hey, Bea, open up please."

"Just leave me alone Shayne, please." Her voice was broken and empty.

"Now we both know that's not happening. Let me in so we can talk please." There was a long pause as if she was thinking about it. Part of me thought she might actually open the door.

"Just go to work Shayne... Please." Her voice was empty and hopeless, it broke my heart. I leaned my head against the door, trying to think of something to say that would make her open the damn door. She really shouldn't be alone right now.

"Please let me in Bea." Everyone was watching me, even Damien looked worried.

"Please just go."

"We're talking tonight though, yeah?" I asked. I waited for a response, but there wasn't one. She had gone completely silent. All I could hear was Pongo and Otto sniffing, they were probably curled up next to her by now. I couldn't believe this was the same chick I was talking to last night. She was filled with laughter, hope and just happy. But the girl on the other side of the door sounded empty like she wasn't feeling anything anymore. She had no hope left like it was all sucked up when she read that letter. I didn't want to leave her alone, even though she had her mates on a Skype call it just didn't seem right at all.

Sighing I got up I hated the idea of leaving her but it was obvious she didn't want to talk. I kinda feel like she wasn't going to want to talk tonight but hey I have a little hope that we will. We all just looked at me for a little bit before we actually left. I told them what had happened. Filling them in on how she freaked out when I touched her shoulder, the panic attack that followed and the letter, I left out the disagreement me and Damien had because I could see he regretted what he had said after hearing what Bea said.

When we got to the office everyone seemed to get the feeling that something was up. and so I told them what was going on, hoping someone would have an idea of what the hell was going on. There were a few ideas, but none of them were good. After a bit we stopped moping around and talking about it and just got to work, knowing that we had to get some shit filmed and up otherwise we would go mad I just hoped Bea is going to talk to me when I finish work.

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