Chapter 27

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Rebecca's POV

With a cup of tea and my last packet of dark chocolate digestives ready and waiting on the coffee table I picked up the letter from the gang

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With a cup of tea and my last packet of dark chocolate digestives ready and waiting on the coffee table I picked up the letter from the gang. Part of me still feels like I don't have enough food and drink to last me. I took a deep breath and took out all of the paper. I over exaggerated the amount of paper but there is about 15 pages and that is one hefty letter, I have no idea how they managed to seel it.


                We decided to write you a letter and mail it just in time to arrive when Raven has to come back to us as you're going to need the distraction.

I laugh at how they had the same idea as my brother. It also makes me feel like the letter from my parents could be something similar and the package may be filled with home comforts that are either way too expensive over here or I just can't for the life of me find anywhere.

        So since I'll probably be the one posting this I get to be the one to start it off. I'm so sorry we couldn't be there when you woke up but you know we would have if we could. We made Raven and Shayne keep us up to date on how you were doing no matter what time of day it was for us. I'm so sorry I wasn't there to stop him from doing what he did and I hope you can forgive me. I had a feeling all day that I should walk you back home even if it did make you hate me a little. I know words don't count for much but I hope you can forgive me.

I felt bad knowing that Matt blamed himself for what happened, I think once I'm done I'm gonna send him a message telling him not to be so stupid as in the end it was all Jake's fault and that I was getting better every day so he didn't need to worry. 

        So new update in my life, I got a new dog. Meet Max.  There was a photo of the cutest pupper taped to the page and I just fell in love with.

        He's a 7-year-old corgi I found at the shelter you got Pongo and Otto and he is my world at the moment. He's not too energetic but still bat shit crazy, you would love him. He takes up most of my bed though and that's annoying, but not a bad price to pay for such a cute and loving little guy.

        Nothing much has happened at work or in my personal life so I don't really have anything else to say other than show you a load more pictures of Max to make you smile.

        Nothing much has happened at work or in my personal life so I don't really have anything else to say other than show you a load more pictures of Max to make you smile

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