Chapter 51

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A/N I'm writing this the day after a 13-hour babysitting shift so I may be deleterious as I had to wake up at 4:30 yesterday and didn't fall asleep till about midnight as my stupid brain wouldn't shut off so here's your warning. This could be a mess as I'm so tired and my editing may not be up to my normal standard, and my normal standard isn't that great when it comes to well everything.  

I'm also writing this while drinking wine and tropical pop/soda/fizzy or whatever you call it as I hate the bitter taste that wine has but after the stress of yesterday I need a drink and it's the only booze we have in the house since neither my boyfriend or I drink alcohol. I normally only drink at my families Christmas eve party. That's how stressful yesterday was.

Shayne's POV

Bea was stood outside on the phone with her parents as she wanted some privacy and fresh air. She was leaning against the railing talking and every now and then looking up at the sky and I'm guessing smiling. She looked stunning and she wasn't even trying. 

I couldn't help but stare at her, I was trying hard not to and to pay attention to what I was watching on tv, but it was near impossible

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I couldn't help but stare at her, I was trying hard not to and to pay attention to what I was watching on tv, but it was near impossible. She was now leaning with her back against the railing and smiling and talking away.

I got a text from Damien and I opened it right away.

Damien: Hey dude what's up?

Shayne: Nothing much just can't stop thinking about what happened yesterday, and jet lag.

Damien: Tell me about it man and what happened yesterday?

Shayne: Since Bea and her dogs are staying at mine so we don't go insane during this lockdown. I took a shower when I got back just to be safe and I forgot to ask her to grab some clothes. I went into the room in just towel and she was getting ready to leave when Otto had other ideas about me wearing a towel.

Damien: Oh shit.

Shayne: Yeah, I managed to get him off me and cover-up as quick as possible and she looked away as soon as it happened but it was all for nothing, let's just say she saw all of me. We laughed it off but she was talking about it with Raven last night and she seemed worried about it. I'm just worried that ruined it for us.

Damien: Man I don't know what to say. But if she's still up for living with you for however long we're going to be stuck like this when she has her own place she could be then you can't have ruined it. 

Shayne: I guess you have a point. But still, I'm really worried about it.

Damien: Dude you just have to not think about it. If she really didn't like what happened she would have gone back to her's but she didn't. You just got to put it in the back of your mind as I'm pretty sure that's what she's going to do.

Shayne: Thanks man, I really needed to hear that.

I looked out the window again to see Bea laughing and face-palming at what had been said, probably something her dad had said.

She shook her head and walked back into the apartment putting the phone on speaker.

"My dad wants to talk to you, and I swear to god if you're about to be an embarrassing dad I'm going to kill you." She explained with a laugh.

"I was actually going to warn him about living with you. Shayne, she can be a right pain in the arse, and is terrible at washing up, so watch out for that." He laughed

"Hey, I've gotten better at that." She laughed. 

"I'm just glad I'm not going to be alone," I stated honestly.

"You're going to have to remind her to eat, she has a bad memory and will forget to if she's just scrolling through the internet, playing video games, watching tv or reading. She'll also forget to drink as well. so you have to look out for that, especially since she gets ill easily and being dehydrated and malnourished will only make the chances of her getting even more likely." He explained I could tell he was worried about her getting the virus.

"Dad stop, my immune system may be almost nonexistent but still, you don't need to tell him all this, we aren't going to leave the apartment, well I'm not. Shayne said he would walk the dogs." She said, she sounded really embarrassed and was blushing.

"It's still important that you eat and drink Bea, thanks for the heads up sir."

"For the love of god don't call him sir it will go to his head and that's already so big his hair grows in patches." She joked causing her mom and dad to laugh. Her mom a lot harder and louder. 

We carried on talking and joking about for a few minutes more before we said our goodbyes and ended the call. 

"Sorry about those two, they're just as sarcastic as me." She laughed as she plopped herself down onto the couch. Pongo and Otto were both curled up on the floor sleeping the day away.

"Don't they were fun to talk too. Nice to see where you get all your sense of humour and sarcasm from. Plus it's good that I know to remind you to eat and drink otherwise you could get ill without catching the damn virus." I replied sitting next to her.

"I'm better than I used to be, I've never really had an appetite so if I'm doing something I'm so engrossed with I forget I need to eat and drink to survive you know. Since living here I've been a lot better." She explained playing with her hair.

We continued to talk and joke about for a while before playing a few rounds of Mario cart in which she won all but the last one.  She was adorable, especially when she was concentrating on the game as she would stick her tongue out slightly. She would only talk a little and then it was only to swear when she got hit by a shell or overtaken. Finally beating her in a race was amazing and I literally jumped for joy causing her to laugh and shake her head. She looked so beautiful and I'm really glad she agreed to stay with me even after what happened yesterday. I don't know how I would cope without her being a ray of sunshine in this mad world. 

A/N Sorry this is shorter than normal the wine has gone to my head and there was a brand new episode of red dwarf that was 90 minutes long that I just had to watch and boy did I love it. I hope you liked the chapter even though it's kind of short. Massive social distancing hugs Bea xxx

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