Chapter 25

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Naruto hopped from building to building, he had just left the guild after dropping off some of the injured. He glanced up at the floating crystals in the sky. 'There's only a couple more minutes till those things go off. I better hurry and find Laxus.'

He was pulled out of his thoughts when he heard the sound of shattering glass, and a lot of it.

All the glass on the church had been blown to smithereens. "Found you! Laxus!"

Now knowing where he needed to go, Naruto sped his way towards his final destination.

After awhile...

Jumping from the rooftops and landing in front of the the entrance to the church, Naruto found Erza and Natsu staring at who he thought was Mystogan at first, but then he saw the man's veil had been blown off.

"J-Jellal!?" Erza gawked. "You're alive?"

Naruto stared at the man with wide and unbelieving eyes. "Wait a second! Mystogan, you were Jellal the whole time!?"

Mystogan looked at Erza before shaking his head. "I didn't want you to see this face, Erza. But I am not Jellal." A shroud of mist began to swirl around him. "I'm sorry, but I leave the rest to you."

"Hey! Where do you think you're going!?" Natsu fumed.

Naruto turned his attention to Laxus. "Deactivate the Palace of Thunder before someone gets hurt Laxus!" After seeing first-hand what it did to people, he could only imagine the destruction the rest of them would bring.

The man in question smirked. "Now why would I do that and ruin the game?" Laxus thrust a hand forward and shot a thunder bolt at Erza, causing her to scream out in pain when the lightning struck her body. "And wipe that stupid look off your face!"

"Erza!" Natsu was about to charge at Laxus but stopped when Naruto stood in front of him. "Naruto! Get out of my way, I'm gonna kick Laxus' ass!"

Naruto shook his head. "Sorry, but I got a bone to pick with this guy." He then turned to Erza. "Hey Erza, are you alright?"

The knight stood up and nodded.

Naruto nodded back to her. "Good, you and Natsu do something about those lightning lacrima, I'll take care of Laxus."

"What!? No way! I haven't fought a single person yet! Natsu whined. He was tired of Naruto stealing the spotlight!

Laxus gained an amused grin. "Oh?"

Erza nodded and turned to the pink haired teen. If that was Naruto's plan, then she would go with it. "Natsu, let's leave this to Naruto. We're going to take care of the Thunder Palace."

Natsu hesitated for a second, but eventually he grumbled in acknowledgment and the two and ran out of the church.

Erza and Naruto shared a look before she followed Natsu.

The thunder mage laughed out loud. "Interesting! Show me what you've got, Naruto Uzumaki!"

The ninja folded his arms and stared at the man with his crimson red eyes. "You still think all of this is just a game, don't you? What is so important to make you put the lives of innocent people at risk!?"

Laxus frowned. "You just don't see it, do you? This guild is in such a sorry state, but I'm going to change it! My Fairy Tail will be the strongest!"

The two powerhouses charged towards each other, their fists collided and a shock wave kicked up a gust of wind around them. Naruto clenched his teeth as he felt electricity flow into him through his arm. they separated, and jumped in opposite directions.

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