45 ~ Gathering up

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"Let's go and get the others!" Hoseok said enthusiastically, but I grab his wrist quickly.

"Do you, or do you not like Jin?" I whisper to him.

"I like everybody, but I want to to back home after so long of not being there..."

"Oh, okay."

We walk out of his room, and go our own ways.

I knock on Jimin's door, the door that's in front of Yoongi's room.

He tells me to come in and I walk in, closing the door after me.

"We're gathering up." I say, getting straight to the point, not letting him even say hi to me. 

"Where?" I stand there, quiet for a little bit.


We never agreed on a place to gather up at....

"Yoongi's room?" I say unsure, questioning myself more than him.

"Okay!" He said with a smile as he got up from his bed.

"I'm gonna go and get the others!" I say and leave the room, looking around for who else I can go to.



I remember where his room is!

Right next to Jimin's room!

It seems like the younger ones have their rooms at one side, and the older ones have their room the other side.

I walk into his room after knocking, knowing he always accepts whoever is knocking.

"Hey Tae!" When he hears my voice, his head immediately shoots up and he quickly stands up.

He runs towards me to give me a big hug, and I gladly hug him back, ruffling his hair in the process.

"Hey Ari! What's up?"

"We're gonna gather up."

"We? Nobody told me we had a meeting..." He says as he scratches the back of his neck, deep in thought.

"It's not a mafia meeting with all of you and the boss- Or.. Whatever your meetings are like..."

"Then what kind of meeting is it?" He asks, questionmarks written all over his face.

"A secret one." I tell him to be quiet by making a motion of zipping my mouth with my hand.

"I won't tell anyone!" He flashed me a smile and I smile back.

"Good boy!" I ruffle his hair with a giggle as he smiles with his boxy smile. "I'll be going now, we're gonna be meeting up in Yoongi's room."

"Got it!" He said, already beginning to walk towards the door.

We both exit together, and he immediately begins walking to Yoongi's room.

I'm not sure who to look for, maybe Namjoon?

Or maybe I could just go in the kitchen, or living room, to see if anybody is there?

I don't know where Namjoon and Jungkook's rooms are, so I'm praying that they're not in their rooms.

I walk into the living room, and get my eyes on Jungkook. 

He's sitting on the couch, watching the TV.

I sit down on the sofa next to him, and he slightly jumps, but chuckles when he realizes it's me.

"Hey Ari!" He says and shows me his bunny-like smile.

"Hey Jungkook!"

"What brings you here?"

"We're gonna gather up to- You know..." at first he shows me his confused expression, but then realizes what I mean.

"Where do we meet up?"

"Yoongi's room." He nods and stands up, heading for Yoongi's room.

Before I know it, he's already gone.

I shrug, getting up to walk to Yoongi's room.

I stop up, and look around.

Where was his room again?

There's so many doors to this hallway that I forgot where it is...

I peek into a room, realizing it's not Yoongi's.

I quickly close the door, and walk into a different room, confident that it's his room.

It's not

First thing my eyes, is Jin.

And then the guards.

But that's it, because the guards knock me out the next second.

𝐈𝐧𝐯𝐨𝐥𝐯𝐞𝐝 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐟𝐢𝐚 ✔Where stories live. Discover now