18 ~ New information

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Ari's p.o.v

I've been talking to Tae for while and... Apperantly his and Jimin's parents agreed on Jimin and Taehyung joining the mafia, after Jin's dad had told them about it. At first they wouldn't accept it, but since he was willing to pay them money that they needed....

They did it.. If that hadn't happened, I wouldn't have met Jimin and Taehyung....

I walked out from Taehyung's room after catching up with him, and saw Yoongi coming out of some room. I ignored him and waited for him by the door.

I expected him to say something, I don't know know what, but maybe something that's moody or jealous- Or something.. But he said nothing, he unlocked the door and walked in before me.


Of course he doesn't let me walk in first.

That's just who he is

I walk in the room, and close the door after me.

Here we go again...

Yoongi sits down by his pc, and I sit down on the bed, having nothing to do. Will I really  be able to change him? I don't wanna be to obvious, but then i don't want to be suspicious...

I laid down on the bed with my legs over the edge and looked up at the ceiling with a frown, deep in thought.

I have to give it some time, but...

How much?

3 days? A week? A week and a half? A month?

Maybe today?

I could make some smalltalk with him today, at least...

That's not too much and not too quick, right?

I was going to begin talking to him, but Yoongi stood up from his chair suddenly. He told me he had to do something, and left the room. Do something? Something what? I sighed and noticed that his pc was still on.

I took a quick glance at the door to see if he was tricking me. But then he wouldn't have locked the door... And even if he was supposed to, I would have heard him unlock it...

I shook my head. I'm overthinking, time to find out more about Yoongi. I sat down on his computer chair and looked through his stuff.

I felt bad, but it's not like he could change what had been done, and he'll wouldn't even notice and if he does..

So what?

I could go through his mails, dig up something useful.

Hmm, this mail looks weird compared to the other ones...

"A little about me" *sent to Kim.Seokjin@xxxxxx.com*

Apperantly he was going to send this to Jin and help Jin know some more about him..

8 years ago


That's a lot of time....

I read some documents but none of them were interesting-

Except this one.

It didn't have any title, so it has to be something secret that he didn't want anybody to discover- Right?

I read through it and he has no family... His parents abandoned him... He met Jin, and.. Jin took him here, and made this his home... He was there for him ever since they met...

They seem close.

I don't know how to feel about that...

But I do know that I feel bad for Yoongi.

Imagine having both of your parents abandon you..

Maybe Jimin is right.... Maybe he IS cold but also a sweetheart...

But I won't believe it until I see it for myself.

I don't think Yoongi will leave this mafia anytime soon, he's just too loyal...

And that's somewhat troubling..

Because I have to admit; I do want them all to have happy lifes

Even Yoongi

None of them deserve to live like this...

Jin must have a good reason for why each and every one of them are here...

Now I know how Jimin, Taehyung and now Yoongi... Got caught up in this mess...

𝐈𝐧𝐯𝐨𝐥𝐯𝐞𝐝 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐟𝐢𝐚 ✔Where stories live. Discover now