37 ~ Is this a dream?

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The same thing happened again....

Jin abused me, telling me I deserved it.

He pulled out his phone. And filmed me, while I was looking miserable

Is it for Violentslasher1369?

I wanted to try to get out of the chair, but I was too weak and knew I wouldn't be able to...

So I didn't.

I sat still, head lowered, waiting for him to leave and he did so without saying anything more...

Once I was sure he was gone, I let some tears escape my eyes.

His reason for hurting me isn't even strong enough...

He's so heartless for doing all this, his whole family is!

How can they just let him do something like this?!

I sigh, and just then, the door opens. I look up expecting Yoongi or somebody else, but instead I see..

An unfamiliar person

Yet, he looks familiar.

And then it hits me

But I won't believe it.

I can't believe it

It can't be him...

What if it really is him?

I sit there in silence, looking at him to make sure I'm not mistaken.


He looks happy...

Happy to see me...

"Hoseok?" I carefully ask, and he snaps out of his thoughts.

"Ari!" He runs over to me and hugs me, squeezing all the air in my lungs out of me.

I missed him, I missed my brother.

I missed his presence, I missed his smile and hugs.

It had been so long without him, I thought I would never see him again.

But I did.

He's right here hugging me.

I feel streams of tears running down my face, and let out a sob.

"H-hoseok... Please tell me this isn't a dream, I-I missed you s-so much..." I managed to say through sobs and pauses.

"It's not a dream, it's real, I'm real." He pulls away and looks at me with the smile that I've always adored.

I smile back weakly, he looks at my bruises as his gaze turns darker.

"Who did this to you?" He says as he unlocks the straps around my hands and ankles, grabbing my wrist to pull it up next to his face.

"It was Jin... H-he did this to me last week too..." I mumble, afraid of how Hoseok's gonna react...

"Makes sense... Ari, I'm sorry.. I'm so sorry for what you've been through..." He says as his puts his head on my shoulder, and I wrap my arms around him.

"It's okay, Hoseok." I whisper. "We're going to get out of here, together... The others as well..."

"But Jin, he-"

"I don't care about Jin!" I raised my voice a little, and he closed his mouth. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to raise my voice... It's just that Jin betrayed Yoongi, and Jin hates my guts-"

"How did Jin betray Yoongi?" He interrupts me.

"Jin gave him a mission, but only the place of the mission.. N-nothing more.."

"Go on." He said as he hung onto my every word.

"And there he met a dangerous man- A stalker, that.. S-stalked me..."

"Stalked you?!" I nod and continued.

"He stalked me under Jin's request... I don't know why Jin would make Yoongi meet him but luckily Jungkook was with him and saved him..."

"Did something happen to Yoongi-hyung??" Hoseok asked with worry in his voice.

"The stalker shot him, twice..."

"Really?! Is he okay?!" I nod and he sighs of relief

"That's good, as long as he's okay, then it's fine. Anyways about escaping.... Jin has control over us, and he has a lot of guards... If we attempt to escape, we're basically making our death wish..."

"We'll do it when nobody is awake... Please, Hoseok! You have to come back home to us..." I say with teary eyes.

"Okay Ari, I'll come back home,"

"But let's get out of here first, then we'll catch up." I nod, and get up from the chair.

𝐈𝐧𝐯𝐨𝐥𝐯𝐞𝐝 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐟𝐢𝐚 ✔Where stories live. Discover now