08 ~ Closer to Jimin

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I stood up slowly, and leaned against the wall. I use the wall as support to get to the bathroom, I walk in and look at myself in the mirror. I took off the hoodie and saw a lot of purple and red bruises on my arm. I sighed and looked at my legs and thighs.

Fucking Jin...

I also have a busted lip and some blood dripping from my nose... I was about to wipe off the blood on my face, but I heard someone calling for me;

Whoever it was- knocked on the door.

I let it a gasp, maybe it's- "Jimin!" I say out of relief, I quickly put on my hoodie and walk out of the bathroom. I look around and realize that Yoongi isn't it the room, but Jimin is here at least. Before he speaks, he looks at my bruises, and my nose and lips.

"Did Yoongi.. abuse you?"

He sounds worried... But "No it's wasn't Yoongi, it was"-


I nod, and look away from his worried eyes.

"Go sit down on the bed, I'll get you some ice bags" He smiled. "No Jimin, you don't have to-"

"I insist. I'll be quick, don't worry! Do you need help to get to the bed?" He asked politely. "Yes please."

He put my arm over his shoulder, and wrapped one of his arms around my waist. He helped me sit down and then he left... I sighed and decided to listen to him, at this point he's the only one I trust...

A minute or so, he comes back into the room with a few ice bags. I take one from him and put it on my stinging cheek. He puts some ice bags on my thigh and holds one against my other cheek.

He's really close, I look into his eyes while blushing- I probably look like a tomato! Imagine being THIS close to somebody like Jimin! (Can't relate lmao)

He leaned close to my face, and I closed my eyes, and waited for something. But nothing happened, so I opened my eyes again, and he laughed.

"You have some blood on your nose" He said as he wiped it away carefully, with some paper. But he didn't move away, he just stayed there and looked into my eyes.


I thought he was gonna-

Kiss you? You thought wrong.

Yeah I know, miss obvious

He was still really close to me, I could feel his breath. And that's when we both heard it- The door unlocking!

"What the fuck are you guys doing?!" Before any if us could react, he walked over and separated us. "What are you even doing in my room?!" He said angrily.

"I was just gonna get her some ice bag for her br"-

"Then why were you so close to her face?!"

"To wipe off some blood from her nose.."

Was Yoongi mad because of me?

"Just get out of my room!" I watched as he gave Jimin a little push on the back. 

He walked out of the room after winking at me- Wait, did he j- Whatthefuckwhydidhewinkatme?! I don't get how somebody can have this effect on me T-T

𝐈𝐧𝐯𝐨𝐥𝐯𝐞𝐝 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐟𝐢𝐚 ✔Where stories live. Discover now