12 | Stargazing

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"You came back?"Namjoon who was sitting at the couch and watched TV,greeted you and Jin.

Jin placed the box in the corner of the room and went to sit on the couch."Yes we are back wake me up when it's night!"He exhaled a long sigh and closed his eyes.

You walked towards the living room and locked eyes with Namjoon"What did you do to him?"

You pointed at yourself "Me?I didn't do anything we just walked here that's all."

Namjoon raised his eyebrows and understood."Ah hyung isn't the type of moving around a lot so anything related to walking or exercising gets the best of him."

"Ahh I see..."You approached Namjoon and sat next to him."What are you watching?"

"A movie wanna watch it together?"He asked and you nodded your head.

Moon here,this moment between Joon and Y/N will be released after this books hits a curtain number of reads as a special.


You breathed the fresh air and run
at the sand like a small kid with your hands in the air and giggling.

Jimin sat down on a chair and closed his eyes to relax followed by Jin,while Namjoon walked up to you."Hey Alice."He murmured to capture your attention.

"Hey Namjoon, where's Jin and Jimin?"You looked at Namjoon and searched for the guys,wondering where they were at.

"They went to sit down and sleep I guess?"Namjoon answered and raised his arms slightly to show you that he didn't knew exactly.

You leaned a bit backwards and checked to see Jin and Jimin,who you saw laying in the beach chair and snoring."They must have been very tired."

Namjoon chuckled"Yeah... but does this remind you anything?"

"I don't know,I must admit that I have seen a few visions but nothing that could really trigger my memories."You shrugged but felt awful for lying.

It wasn't like you didn't want to tell him that you remembered your name but if you did that could sparkle more questions that you would not be able to answer.

How could you tell him that your name wasn't Alice but Y/N,that you had visions about a girl and a guy, plus a shadow which told you to be careful who you trust?

Which now that you mentioned it made you wonder,where the shadow has been for the past week.

"You had some progress at least,"He sayid looking a little hurt,as if he waited to hear something else from you."I am sure you will remember soon."

You smiled a little at his comment,feeling blessed to know such a kind guy who was kind but also made sure you were alright at all times.

"I wish cause it also has started to bicker my mind lately,"You confessed as you felt that you haven't done any progress for the past week."Let's just hope something happens soon."

A/N:oh boy...

He didn't reply at first,cause he didn't know what to say to reassure you or comfort you,but after seating silently for awhile he decided to speak.

"I missed this..."He sighed as he gazed at the sky."It's been a long time since we have done this."

You turned to him with a sadden smile formed on your lips and then followed his gaze to the stars in the sky.

"I know but I am glad we are here now,cause I feel like I am at home."You said but deep down you knew.

This wasn't your home.

You weren't Alice.

You were a stranger to them.

"Look I found the most beautiful star!"He said enthusiastically and started jumping in the air.

"Where?"You looked at the sky and wondered which one he was referring at.

"Here!"Namjoon replied while he pointed his index finger on you proudly.

"I must admit I expected a worse pick up line."You admitted and started laughing.

Namjoon laughed back and for awhile you Just sat there enjoying the moment,you,Namjoon,alone at a sea filled with stars.

You were so happy that you didn't realise what hardships were about to come that would ruin everything.


A hooded man dressed in all-black watched from afar with his goggles waiting for the right opportunity when the phone rang.

"Hello?Is everything set?"

"Yes boss, everything is set."

"Great you may proceed with the plan tonight,the faster is done the better."

"As you wish!"

The hooded man ended the call and started heading to his appointed mission,meanwhile the male which was talking to was smirking to himself and leaned back at his chair with his eyes closed.

"Dear Y/N, it's about time things started."

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