03 | The Whole Squad

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You were walking with Namjoon and Jungkook till you reached your destination which was their residence.

Namjoon walked ahead up to the entrance and rang the bell,while you and Jungkook stayed behind and chatted.

"You don't need to explain to the guys if you don't want to,I will tell them in your place."Jungkook who had his hand relaxed over your shoulder suggested.

"I don't mind telling them,I mean even if they seem strangers to me we used to be close right?"You replied with a slight pout formed on your lips and then removed gently Jungkook's hand from your shoulder.

Jungkook averted his eyes away and brushed his thumb against his cheeks,he could feel his heart beating faster as he uncontrollably found the sight of you pouting adorable"I-I mean-it's okay if you want to tell them,after all it's something related to you."

You curved upwards slightly your dolly red lips feeling amused by Jungkook's cute reaction,inside your head you thought how much your view of a person could change within a few minutes of chatting and getting to know each other. 

Based on your first perspective of him back in forest,you thought Jungkook was a mature person who was responsible and reliable but after chatting with him on your way back you realised his behavior was very similar to a kid's.

You also understood where his nickname white bunny came from,it was because his smile was similar to a bunny's.

"We are back!"Namjoon slightly yelled to notify his fellow members about their arrivals and raised his hand to open the door,then he looked back at you and Jungkook and signaled you to follow him inside with gentle smile formed on his lips.

You did as you were told and followed Namjoon inside,the entire time you could feel your heart ready to burst out of your chest from all the unnecessary thinking and anxiety.

You followed Namjoon silently without uttering a word and made your way to the living room where you could hear people chattering,you assumed they were around 4-5 people sitting their because of the different pitches of their voices.

You arrived at the living room and gulped at the sight of the five males sitting on the couch,who were became silent after their eyes landed on you and then greeted you with the same reaction as Namjoon and Jungkook back in the forest.

"You found Alice!?"

You followed the sound of the voice and saw an astonished young male sittting in the corner of the couch with his legs slightly apart and his left hand resting at the armchair.

The male had blond hair like the sun,round cheeks that reminded you of a marshmallow,plump round pillow-y lips that were slightly tinted with a light shade of pink and hooded brown eyes which were hypnotizing.

"Based on her reaction,it seems like it Jimin."An even lower voice suddenly said and you saw a male who had his eyes closed laying of the couch, completly ignoring your existense.

The ignorant male which didn't really leave you a strong impression had brown dark hair similar to the oreo cookies,thin lips that were very light pink,round slightly puffed cheeks and brown eyes which resembled the one's of a cat.

"Yoongi is right,we found her at the forest.At first I thought she was pulling some kind of a prank but after awhile I realised she actually had no idea who I was."Jungkook explained to the members and they all swifted their attention to you.

"Alice has amnesia?How did that even happen???"Another male yelled completely shocked by the sudden announcement of your memory loss.

The shocked male had blue hair,monolid/double brown eye-lid combo,thick eyebrows,a boxy smile which you thought was adorable and symmetrical face almost surreal.

The blue hair male approached you and slowly examined your every feature,trying to see if  his fellow member was actually saying the truth.

When the male was a few inches sway,you couldn't help but avoid his eyes since you felt extremely uncomfortable by the very close distance between the two of you.

"Taehyung people with amnesia don't differ that much from their true selfs but they may be more closed to themselves than usual."Another male replied,silently gazing at you.

Unlike the others he had this aura of a person who had experience and was very wise,he also also had like his fellow member dark brown hair,thin eyebrows,a big smiley brown double eye-lids and heart shaped lips.

"Isn't that right alice?"The male asked as he stood up from the couch and pointing at every member individually"I bet you feel like we are strangers and have no idea whether you should trust us or not because you are afraid that we would harm you."

You looked at the males as they anxiously waited for your answer,they all had all kinds of different facial expressions but you could tell from the way they waited that they were really worried and wanted to hear about your memory loss by you.

"Indeed like you said,at fiest I was afraid of you guys but after chatting with you I don't think you want to harm me."You answered sincerely and uncontrollably felt the need to smile."But I wish you take in consideration what is currently happening to me and help me get my memories back."

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