00 | Prologue

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Your POV

You were laying on the cold ass grass as the sun illuminated on top of your body,slowly regaining your consciousness which you had lost
for some unknown reason.

You raised your hand without moving the rest of your body and rubbed your eyes,trying to get rid the blurriness which prevented you from seeing clearly.

After a few seconds you were able to look around,your eyes roamed all over the place you were currently at, in hopes of remembering what happened to you.

You sat on your butt and fixed your clothes when a random thought occured in your mind.

"Were Am I?"You asked yourself when you realised that everything around you was unfamiliar.

"Who am I?"You wondered since you felt like someone had stolen your identity and left you in the middle of nowhere to die.

How did you end up here?Who bought you here?Why did he
bought you here?Why couldn't
you remember anything?Were
you kidnapped, enslaved or escaped from somewhere?

Did you lose your memories from
a traumatic event or because you
got hurt?If you got hurt then did
it happen because you tripped or because someone else hurt you?

Your memories were filled with question marks and locked away
in a locket inside your heart,but the key that you needed to unlock them
was missing.

You bought your knees close to your face and wrapped your hands around them,wishing inside your head that everything was a dream and you would wake up soon.

The tears in your eyes slowly started rolling down your cheeks without realising them.

"If this a dream please wake up..."You muttered to yourself wishing to wake up from this nightmare and buried your face on your knees quietly sobbing.

"Hyung,someone's there!"

A sudden male voice yelled from a far which not only caused you to return back to reality but also slightly panick.

Whoever yelled just now seemed
to be running because their footsteps became more intense and faster,if
the stranger you heard referred to you by 'someone is there' then he
was coming towards your side.

Thump... thump.... thump

Your heart started beating faster as the sound of the stepped came closer,you didn't know if the stranger wanted to harm you but you didn't want to stay long enough to find out.

"I need to run..."You muttered and  stood up from where you were sitting at with your eyes closed.

You turned around and slowly started running when you bumped into something hard which caused you
to stumble on your step and lose your balance.

Thankfully as you were about to hit the grass you felt someone's arm  wrap around your waist just on-time and prevented you from hitting the grass.

"Gotcha just in time..."A male voice said slightly panting.

Your eyes were closed so you couldn't see who was the person that just had saved you,but after hearing the slightly panicked voice you opened your eyes to meet the person who saved you.

You slowly looked up and met the eyes of a young male's which immediately widened as he looked down on you and made eye contact.


To be continued....

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