16 | Epilogue

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You saw Alice vanish and thought what a great girl she was and how different the circumstances would have been different if Jin hadn't killed her.

If she was alive you wouldn't have been here and you would have lived your normal life,but now you met 7 great guys and had to choose one of them.

You gazed at the 8 portals in front of you and thought which one you should choose.

First you had Namjoon, Alice's boyfriend which not only cared for you but also tried to lift your mood up and help you feel comfortable.

He helped you through some tough times and was also considerate,he never persisted on a subject if he saw you were uncomfortable.

"Namjoon is such a sweet guy but I believe that his kindness was hidden behind the fact that he thought I was Alice."You thought.

Since Jin was the one behind Alice's death and also tried to kill you,you forgot everything sweet between the two of you and moved on to the next guy.

Next was Yoongi,a guy who seemed cold but could tell had a warm heart.

Although you didn't spent as much time as the rest of them,you still shared some sweet moments.(special chapter).

He also picked Namjoon and Jimin and rushed to save you from Jin,he was willing to kill his friend for you which he did.

"Yoongi is such a sweetheart and he saved me when I thought i was going to die."You admitted and felt grateful that he saved you.

Next was Hoseok,the sunshine that made sure to brighten your mood and make you laugh daily.

He was by your side and assisted you while giving you a good time which helped you sometimes forget what was happening to you.

There were times he would see you were sad and would come to spend time with you in the most entertaining way possible (special chapter)

"Hoseok is really the sun to my life,he made sure to make me smile and lift my mood when I needed it."You thought and felt a bit emotional that you met such a cool guy in your life.

Next was Jimin,the person who knew you weren't alice but promised not to say it to anyone unless you were ready,even after many opportunities he kept it a secret.

Like after he learned they found Alice's body,he could have said to everyone about you but he didn't.

He didn't change exactly how he acted around you,but he became closer to you after Alice's death.

"Although I wasn't alice he made sure to make feel welcomed,he had times were he flirted with me and honestly he made my heart skip a beat a few times."You confessed.

Next was Taehyung,the guy who tried to help you remember and didn't ask any questions in the cave when you followed the shadow.

He also saved you before you fell on the floor and carried you home quickly,taehyung was one of the guys that had his own worries(special chapter)but he still had the time to take you out and advice you.

"Taehyung...a living prince who awaken me when I was helpless.He was so bright and cheerful and showed you how much he cared about you."You thought.

Lastly was Jungkook,the guy who find you first when you were awaken and lost at the forest.

At first you thought he was a danger but he made sure to clarify that those weren't his intentions.

He was a bright kid who looked out for you and would often take a step forward to speak if you weren't feeling okay.

You walked with him and you spoke about things you didn't say before,you opened up to him and he listened to you.(special chapter)

"Ah..Jungkook,my bunny you can't imagine how much it meant to me that you listened."You said.

You also had the portal that would make you go back to your previous life,but honestly you decided not to go back.


Cause after spending time with the guys you realised how much they meant to you,you felt like if you left them you would betray them.

Alice was dead and they had to move on,although you looked like her you had your own personality which they could see.

Even after they learned you weren't her,no one kicked you out they treated you like normal.

Meaning they cared about you as a person and not as alice.

"Alice told me to follow my heart..."You thought as you looked at the portals and took a bit to decided what you wanted.

What you wanted.

You finally came to the decision of what you wanted and walked towards the portal of your choice,before you walked in you looked at the portal in front of you and said."My heart tell me to go..."

You took a step forward and closed your eyes as the light took over your vision.


You slowly opened your eyes and adjusted to the light of the sun,standing still you took a few minutes to get rid of the blurriness in your eyes.

Then you looked in front of you and with a sweet smile said.

"Hello,did you miss me?!"


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