09 | Casted Shadows

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You found yourself walking around and searching for clues that could help you remember.

As for Taehyung,he silently followed you around and watched you as you looked around in the cave,he felt that it would be helpful if he left you alone cause it could help you remember.

Not to mention he found it very interesting to see your face as you examined the cave and the small movements you did were adorable.

You on the other hand was very frustrated that nothing was coming back,like nothing at all.

"Maybe if..."You muttered to yourself as you thought of a plan to help you remember.

In your vision you saw this exact cave along with a man,but nothing ringed a bell that could trigger those memories to return.

Well not until you noticed a shadow in the corner of a rocky wall.


You gazed the shadow that interestely seemed to be watching you from a distance,but it didn't move.

If the shadow was a person then you would be able to see it if you went closer,you thought as you slowly approached the shadow to find out who was the person behind it.

"Is everything alright Alice?"Taehyung worriedly asked as he saw you approach the wall.

"Yeah... it's just this shadow."You replied in a whisper and signaled taehyung with your arm to follow you.

You slowly walked up to where the shadow was at and right as you thought you had caught the person,your head started throbbing really badly causing you to stumble on your legs and fall on a rock.

"Alice!"Taehyung yelled and fell on his knees to catch you,his heart started beating ten times faster when he noticed the blood in your forehead."Shit...!"

Within seconds,your head started throbbing real bad and became much more intense to the point where a lot of lights flashed in front of your eyes making you unable to focus.

Taehyung voice who was calling you slowly became more distant and became a muffled voice you couldn't understand.

You blinked your eyes and found yourself to a completely different place,a place that you could feel in your heart was very familiar.

"Y/N!"A voice called you out and you turned to see once again the man from your previous vision.

"Who are you?"You asked trying to stand properly on your feet but your voice didn't came out.

"What is it?"

Once again like your previous vision you had no control over your body and although your mouth moved,the person who was speaking wasn't you.

You looked around and saw that you were in a train station with a luggage in your hands.

Then you swifted your gaze back to the man who was clenching his fists tightly and pressed his lips together,"I will miss you."

He came closer and pulled you into a hug,you stood there speechless as he wrapped his arms around your waost and held you like he didn't want to let you go.

"I will miss you too."You said sweetoy and smiled at the unknown man.

Everything around you slowly vanished and got replaced by darkness,you held your chest tightly as you find yourself feeling lost and confused by everything.

You didn't know who this male was in your visions or how you were related or how he was connected to your memory loss.

You didn't know anything and you hated it.

"I need to find a way out..."You muttered to yourself and started running into the darkness,your chest rose up and down as you heavily breathed and hoped that everything would be over.

Your mind was filled with all kinds of thoughts that you couldn't understand and you just felt completely lost.

Suddenly a small light radiated in the middle of the darkness,there you noticed a person waiting for you.

"Who are you?"You asked the shadow. As you slowly walked towards it very carefully.

The shadow moved slightly and you could hear it slightly smirk at your question as if you were supposed to know who it was.

"Who am I?"The shadow mockily repeated your question and giggled.

You felt a cold breeze against your skin and felt intimated,but not in a good way.

Something inside of you screamed to stop walking and run away,danger the danger the voice in your head said but you ignored it.

"I am your worst nightmare."

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