02 | Stranger Danger?

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"Who are you?"

You asked completly ignoring his question and backed away from his grasp,your eyes scanning the young male in the progress as you positioned yourself back on your feet.

"Alice this isn't the time to play..."The male said and slowly approached you with his hand raised defensively as if he didn't want you to scare you away.

You raised your hand and signaled the male to stop talking and glared at him,then you noticed how he seemed just confused as you were in the moment,but apparently for different reasons.

The reason why you were confused came from the fact that you had no memories and couldn't comprehend whether or not the young's males actions were for his own selfish benefit or was doing it cause he sincerely seemed to know you and wanted to help you.

Meanwhile the young male seemed to be confused from the way you were intensely glared at him with such an icy look in your eyes,as if you were waiting for the right opportunity to attack him.

He was standing still in his position with his lips slightly parted as his eyes followed your every movement.

"I asked who are you would you mind answering me?"You asked once again as you glared at the male but this time the tone of your voice was deeper and colder.

The male studied your expressions as he tried to understand what was currently happening.

From his point of view he seemed to think that you were playing some sort of prank on him and pretended that you couldn't recognize who he was and he had to admit for a second you got him cause he believed that you actually didn't recognize and viewed him as a stranger.

But when the male studied your facial expression for a few more seconds he realised that you weren't pulling off a some sort of a prank of him and you actually had no idea who he was.

Maybe it was the way you gazed at him so hostily or how ready you were to murder him on the spot if he made a wrong move.

But whatever it was he understood.

The young male sighed and stopped moving,his mind was trying to comprehend and form the right words before speaking up.

"Pardon me,I forgot my manners for a second there!,My name is Jungkook,but nickname is white bunny."Jungkook introduced himself and continued"May I ask what your name is?"

You eyed the male from head to bottom before replying to his question a bit perplexed by his sudden change of attitude,one second he seemed like a very serious person and next second he has this childish aura plastered all around him"Nice to meet you Jungkook,but unfortunately I have no idea what my name is."

"Oh-...."Jungkook's eyes softened as he slowly got a grasp of your situation,then he stared at your face and noticed your slightly red puffy eyes."Was that the reason you were crying?"

You nodded your head and sighed"Yeah...I mean who wouldn't cry if they were in my position.
Waking up in the middle of nowhere with no recollection of your memories and a random stranger suddenly showing up is a very traumatic experience."You paused and eyed Jungkook"Especially when the random stranger calls you by a name you have no idea if it's actually yours or not."

As you explained what you were going through another figure appeared behind Jungkook as he slowly walked up to your side.

"Alice is that you?"The second male asked when his eyes landed on you.

Jungkook shook his head at the male and said"Hyung she doesn't remember anything so she can't really say if it's her or not."

The second male turned his gaze a bit confused by Jungkook's word and looked at you"Is that really true?You don't remember who I am or..."He pointed to Jungkook and asked with his brows slightly raised"Or him?"

"No I don't."You sincerely replied."I woke up here and don't really remember anything."You tries your best to form the words but unfortunately your voice cracked from the overwhelming emotions.

"I see,I'm sorry to hear about your condition."The second male smiled sadly and reached out his hand."My name is Namjoon but my nickname is the caterpillar."

"You may not remember us but we were your friends,we were born and raised together."Namjoon paused trying to give you a time to collect your self but also control his emotions before continuing"You should come with us and stay till you get back your memories,then you will see for yourself that we are not lying."

You listened carefully to every word Namjoon said and thought about his offer"I don't mind coming with you as long as I am not a burden."

Although you couldn't remember anything you had to admit that this guys didn't seem like bad people,you didn't know whether you trusted people easily before or they were actually trustworthy people.

But they didn't had guns or behaved weirdly at all,their eyes showed honesty and sincerity,which was why you decided to trust your gut and follow this not so strangers anymore.

In the meantime only the time will show whether or not you actually knew this people,you would just have to wait for your memories come back and find out yourself.


Jungkook who was silently listening to our conversation leaned his head next to your ear and whispered."Good to see you again Alice,me and the guys really missed you!"

You looked at him and gave him a little smile before you,namjoon and Jungkook started walking to return...


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