11 | Quality Time

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A week later

You were awaken by Jimin blowing in your ear."What are you doing?"You groaned in the bed and turned around to avoid his breath.

"I am waking you up silly!" He whispered sweetly and his eyes vanished along with his smile that formed right after."Now wake up before I kiss you!"

Kiss me?

"Okay Okay I am awake!!!"You stood straight at your bed and yelled very loudly causing Jimin to get flustered by your sudden outburst.

You frowned your eyebrows as you lost the warmth of your bedsheets"I will be back..."You kissed your finger and placed it on the bed exaggerating."My sweet bed!"

Jimin scoffed at your words"And here I thought you would pretend to be asleep just so I could kiss you,"He admitted and then turned to his usual playful self"Don't come begging later cause you lost your chance."

You cringed at his words and decided to tease him"You are so full of yourself Jimin!"You smirked and leaned closer to his face,making Jimin stumble back on his feet and fall on the bed with his back.

You placed your hand next to his cheek and you whispered seductively to his ear"I think you are the one who really lost his chance and will be begging."

Jimin stared at you dumbfounded,not knowing what to say or to react by your sudden change of character.For him he hasn't seen any other side of yours other than the shy one and funny,so seeing you now being a whole ass snack caught him off guard.

"Damn you got me there."Jimin admitted and you backed away.

"I know,so did you find anything about Alice?"You asked Jimin and noticed his sudden change of expression,his crystal clear smile was replaced by a displeased frown.

Jimin sat on the bed looking down and fidgeted with his thumbs"I...I learned from a friend of mine that Alice body was found."

"That's great!"You squealed excited and plumbed on the bed but then you saw that Jimin wasn't as happy as you were about finding Alice.

Your gut told you that something was off with Jimin which seemed to be like he was thinking very deeply.

"You found Alice so now we can tell the guys the truth and I will leave you alone-"

"YOU DON'T GET IT!ALICE BODY WAS WASHED OUT TO THE SHORE!!!"Jimin yelled at you and started crying."SHE IS DEAD!"


Wait if Alice is dead then how we will be able to find out....what happened to her and me and why all of this happened.

"But if she is dead that means that someone killed her right?"You asked unsure of your question.

She may have committed suicide...

"My friend who is a police officer found out that she had a 7 stab wound
to her chest were her heart was located."Jimin explained as he remembered his friends words and cursed inside his head."Whoever did this...is a cruel killer and made sure she was dead."

Jimin hand turned into tight fists and his whole face turned red from the anger he had formed inside his head.

You grabbed his hand softly and started to realise something."Jimin you know that I have to remember quickly,who knows maybe her death and my amnesia are related somehow."

Jimin didn't look in your eyes and you would be upset in other days but today you knew he was only doing this to avoid staring at you.

After all you were a replica of the girl they knew,a girl who was killed and found lifeless at the sea.

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