Chapter 28

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(Demi's pov)
Yesterday I had so much with the kids and Darryl at the park teaching Leah and Alyssa how to ride a bike for the first time  and it was really fun.

As I got out of bed I was planning on grabbing something to eat but my stomach had other plans. So I quickly ran into the bathroom.

□°□■•■□■♤°●IN THE BATHROOM□●°□■■■♤•
When I got to bathroom I quickly starting to throw up as if I had food poisoning from something I ate. After I was done I flushed the toilet and  carefully managed to get myself off the floor while grabbing the towel on the rail. then I wiped my mouth off the towel.

Before leaving the bathroom  I brushed my teeth so I can get rid of the awful taste of nausea out of my mouth.  when I was done I cleaned the toothpaste off the sink and  cleaned my toothbrush and placed it on the side of the sink.

Then I started walking out of the bathroom and headed into the kitchen.

■°●•■●|□■IN THE KITCHEN ■°□•■•♤
When I walked into the kitchen Darryl and the kids weren't there which I found sort of strange because today is Saturday and on Saturdays we usually have our morning breakfast and talk about what we're  going to do today.

So I tried not to worry about them because they could've went outside for  a walk and the girls are safe.

While I was grabbing a glass of orange juice then I started looking for something to eat.

After I was done drinking my orange juice I opened up a box of oatmeal and grabbed a packet from the box then I placed the box back in the pantry.

Then I grabbed a bowl from the cabinet and started putting the oatmeal in the bowl  then turned on the electric kettle.

About a few minutes of waiting the kettle finally started to boil. So I grabbed the kettle and put the water in the oatmeal. Then I put the kettle back on the table.

When I was making my oatmeal I heard footsteps coming from outside. So that means the kids and Darryl are home.

After I made my oatmeal I grabbed a spoon from the drawer and started walking over to the table with my hot bowl of oatmeal.

"Hey honey." Darryl said with an exhausted tone in his voice as if he came back from a run.

"Where's the girls?" I asked with a confused look on my face.

"The girls are at your  mom's house." Darryl replied as he started to sit down on the chair across from me.

"Why ?" I questioned.

"They missed their grandma so they asked me to bring them over." Darryl answered while trying to catch his breath.

"Well at least they're safe that's all that matters." I said as I started to eat my oatmeal.

"So how was your morning so far?" Darryl asked.

"To be honest with you  it's crap." I answered.

"How come ?" Darryl questioned with a confused look on his face.

"I threw up this morning that's why." I replied.

"I'm sorry that I wasn't there to pull your hair back." Darryl said with disappointment.

"Don't worry about it and besides it wouldn't be the last time I throw up in the morning." I replied as I carefully got out of the chair.

"That's true but I just feel really guilty about it." Darryl said with a serious tone in his voice.

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