Chapter 6

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(Demi's pov)
Today is mine and Darryl's 4th wedding anniversary I can't believe it has been four years since we got married and lived happily ever after. It feels like yesterday he asked me to marry him and I'm really happy I said yes because Darryl made my life better than it was when I was with Nick.

"Happy 4th year anniversary baby." I said as I started kissing him sweetly.

As Darryl heard my voice he slowly started to get up and started kissing me passionately..

"Where did all the time go ?" Darryl asked as he started to slowly let go of my lips.

"I don't know, but I'm happy and greatful that you're in my life." I replied smiling as I started to kiss him more.

While we were kissing we heard tiny footsteps coming into our room..

"UGH MY EYES !" Leah screamed as she saw us kissing while covering her eyes.

As we heard Leah's voice we stopped kissing and started looking over at Leah with her eyes covered then we just smiled and laughed at her..

"I think we should wait until later to do that." Darryl said as he got out of the bed.

"Good idea." I replied as I got out of bed.

"I was about to say Happy anniversary mommy and daddy but I don't know if I should after that." Leah said trying not get annoyed.

"It's ok Leah its done and over with now." I replied smiling.

"Are you sure ?" Leah asked innocently.

"Yes sweetie you can uncover your eyes now." I answered as I quickly threw on a pink wooley sweater.

"Okay good." Leah said as she uncovered her eyes.

"Do you have to go to the studio today ?" Darryl asked as he started walking over to his closet.

"Yes but I promise I'll be home early." I sighed as I started putting on a pair of jeans.

"Looks I'm here by myself." Darryl said as he started putting on a plaid buttoned up shirt.

"I'm sorry that I have to go on our anniversary." I replied as I started combing my hair.

"It's okay Dems." Darryl said trying not complain.

"But the good thing is that you get to spend time with Leah and Alyssa today." I replied as finished combing my hair.

"That's true." Darryl said smiling.

"Well I better go before my manger loses his mind." I replied as I walked over to him.

"Good idea." Darryl said with a slight smile on his face.

"Darryl, I know you hate me leaving and I hate it to but I promise I'll be back." I replied with a serious tone in my voice while trying not to break eye contact with him.

"I love you." Darryl said as he looked into my eyes.

"I love you too." I replied as I gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Where's mommy going ?" Alyssa asked as she saw me walk over to the bedroom door.

"She's going to the studio for a little while but she will be back." Darryl answered as he took Alyssa out of her bed.

"I don't want you to go mommy." Alyssa pouted.

"I have a idea." I replied as I walked over to Alyssa and put her in my arms.

"You do ?" Darryl asked as he raised a eyebrow with a confused look on his face.

"Yes I do now shut up so I can tell it to you." I answered with an annoyed tone in my voice.

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