Chapter 18

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(Demi's pov)
I had a fun day with Darryl on the beach yesterday it was so amazing and we really needed it because we haven't had any alone time together for a long time since that stupid texter as been trying to ruin our marriage and our lives.

Today I just want to spend some time with my kids and just have a fun day with them  and just  to do some shopping with them but the only problem with that is I don't have a car anymore thanks to the person or persons who blew up  my car up yesterday.

So I walked over to my closet and put something causal to wear when I was done changing I combed my hair and walked out of my room.

When I walked out of my room  all of a sudden I felt this weird  taste  in my mouth then I started running into the bathroom.

○♤○♡○♡○IN THE BATHROOM ▪♤▪♤▪♤○♤○♤
As I got into the bathroom I quickly pulled up the toilet seat as I starting puking thanks to my morning sickness I have almost everyday and I hate so much.

After I stopped puking I flushed the toilet and carefully got off the floor and wiped my face with a towel and  walked out of the bathroom.

○■■○□○■■○IN THE HALL○■○■■○♤○
"Hey Demi;Are you okay ?" My mom asked.

"Yes I'm fine mom." I replied with a smile on my face.

"I'm glad you're okay because when I woke up I heard someone puking in the bathroom and I thought it was Dallas." My mom said.

"No it wasn't Dallas, I just had morning sickness." I replied.

"I hate having morning sickness when I was pregnant and when Maddie came along I told your father that we're  not having anymore kids." My mom said while trying not to laugh.

"I hate morning sickness too but I have to deal with unfournately." I sighed.

"Maddie told me you were at the beach yesterday;is that true?" My mom asked.

"Yes it is true, Darryl and I just wanted to spend some alone time together because of him working all the time." I answered.

"Well that's understandable you too want to spend some time together." My mom said smiling.

"Thanks for understanding mom." I replied smiling.

"No problem." My mom said as she gave me a hug.

"Are you doing anything today ?" I asked as I let go of my mom.

"No I'm not doing anything today because I have a day off." My mom answered. 

"Good because I was wondering if you can give me and the girls a ride to the mall to do some shopping." I said  smiling.

"Why can you drive in your car ?" My mom asked trying not to be rude.

"My car broke down yesterday while I was driving back home and Darryl gave me a ride home." I answered. 

"Oh that's weird because that car was only a couple of years old I don't understand why it would break down like it did." My mom said with a confused tone in her voice.

"I don't know either mom." I replied with a sigh.

"When are you planning on going to the mall with the girls ?" My mom asked.

"After lunch." I answered smiling.

"Sounds good to me." My mom said smiling.

"Great !" I exclaimed as I started walking down the hall.

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