Chapter 10

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(Demi's pov)
I'm so happy that I'm with Darryl's and the kids now. I'm just so greatful to be alive to see their faces again and I'm also greatful for the doctors who helped me.

When I was in a coma I actually thought I was never going to see Darryl and the kids ever again because I felt like I was going to die but I'm greatful I didn't.

As I started to wake up Darryl wasn't there next to me on the couch and it felt really strange to me that he didn't tell me where he was going.

Maybe Darryl is taking the girls to school and I forgot to go with Alyssa to school because I promised her and now I feel like a bad mother for not keeping her promise.

I just hope that Alyssa doesn't get mad at me when she comes home from school.

To get my mind off the kids and Darryl I started to get off the couch because I wanted to change my clothes because I have been wearing the same outfit when I was in a coma.

While I was walking I almost fell but quickly got up then I proceeded to walk to the bedroom.

■○■■○☆•○IN THE BEDROOM○□○■☆•■○■
Wow it still looks the same when I was here before I was in a coma.

When I was looking around the room I finally got to my closet and then I started opening it and all my clothes and shoes were still there.

I started looking through all the clothes I had then I started picking clothes to wear.

So I picked out a black shirt, grey cardigan, a pair of black jeans with some accessories.

When I finished picking my clothes I started to close my closet door and started to get changed

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When I finished picking my clothes I started to close my closet door and started to get changed.

About a few minutes I changed my outfit I started putting some braclet and a moon necklace that Dallas gave me for my birthday last year.

Speaking about my birthday I can't believe I'm going to be twenty eight years old.

I can't believe how fast time goes it's really crazy then Leah will be seven years old and Alyssa will be five years old.

My baby girls are growing up on me I wish they can be babies forever then I wouldn't have to be worried about them growing up on me.

To get my mind off how fast time goes I started to comb my hair.

While I was combing my hair I heard someone shout out my name.

"DEMI!" A voice shouted.

"I'm in the bedroom." I yelled while I was trying to get a knot out of my head.

"Why are you not on the couch ?" Darryl asked as he started walking into the room.

"I just wanted to change my outfit and comb my hair." I answered while combing my hair.

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