A promise.

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~~ America's POV. ~~
"America, son. I know it hasn't been long since you've gained your independence but, we have to lay down some rules."

I smile as I sit on the floor, my feet in front of me.

"Well, you're old enough to be at the point where you've been in a couple wars. The war against yourself, world War One, so on so on."

I raise a eyebrow at him. 'So, he still thinks I'm the baby that just lost his independence? Oh please, spare me that dad.'

"I also know that you got into a little war with the commie. I advice you to not do that again, because the commie's son has just moved in with his siblings I heard."

My smile faded, I didn't understand. Soviet had a son? Or, kids at that? I never actually looked into him. I nod and smile as my dad pats me on the head.

"I promise, dad. I'll do my very best to not get into any more fights."
I get up and walk to my room. wonderingwhat that was all about.

No need, tomorrow is a school day and I need to rest. But first, I'll go out to meet up with Poland and Germany.

I get my phone and put it into my jacket, then I walk outand go down the street. I notice a country ahead of me wearing a fuzzy hat.

I walk slower to inspect them. The only person I know why wears that that type on what is USSR, but that doesn't look like him..

~~ Russia's POV. ~~

I was walking down the street back to my home leaving the liquor store. Then, I noticed a smaller country staring at me. I look right back at him and he jumps a little. Upon seeing my face, he speed walks away like he had seen a ghost.

What's wrong with him? Do I have something on my face? A spider, maybe? I just shake it off and walk continue to walk back home.

~~America's POV. ~~

Oh my god, was that one of USSR's kids? It looked like it. I promised my dad that I wouldn't get in any fights..askimg him would probably get me into one.

He looked fierce, like he could break my arm with ease. But he still looked young enough to go to school..GOD! I seriously hope he doesn't go to school with me.

I meet up with Poland and Germany a  little bit after the encounter. We met at the cinema and decided to watch a scary movie. After the movie, we talked about the dumbly scary parts, and the actual scary parts. That's when Germany put his arm around Poland and kissed his forehead.

I felt like a thirdwheel. We eventually said bye and parted ways..

Damn, I wish I had a partner to love me. I bet it would be nice..  I shake my head. But soon start determining the pros and cons of dating, which was stupid. I got home and walked up to my room, I flopped on the bed and fell asleep.


Sorry for the short chapter! QwQ This was just a introduction chapter, I swear the next one will be longer! Please tell me if I messed up on any grammar, or tripped on my words. Thank you~!

554 words.

Childish Love - RusAme FanFiction.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt