What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..." Part XLVIII...

Start from the beginning

"Yeah. Jen. You know the dry cleaner called about the other one I dropped off. She said there were blood stains she couldn't get out on the jacket."

"Really?" she stares. "Well, I have been crawling around both places. I must've cut myself. That's a shame, I liked that one. But, like I say..." smile. "In a week, I can buy all the blazers I'll ever want, if I ever want another."

"I hope so." David, shaking head. "Well, come on in and lets give Suzie a look at Mom."


Ginny, pulled up at her home, a large townhouse...About twenty minutes later...

"Weird..." she shakes head. "I can't believe someone was walking around in my body. A guy at that... Creeps me out, I tell ya. How did Jen manage to handle it so calmly, like it happens everyday? Still, at least he didn't do anything strange or kinky in me... Though that would've been fine if he'd given us anything to really work with." She opens door and climbs out...

"As it is, all we got was that someone...Some bitch who knew Laszlo or knows him...Maybe someone he took but who abandoned him? Someone he fed on and spared, foolishly? Summoned that bastard Van Helsing to kill the Mistress and the others." She shakes head.

"I still wonder...Could it be that Devious guy? Would he maybe have found someone human he could induce to summon an assassin or bunch of assassins to take out our Overlords?" she ponders. "I think I better try and get him to come over, see what I can get out of him. He can't thrall me now and if he gives any trouble I'll just smash a window and destroy him. Maybe I should in any case, just as a precaution. Besides, the Mistress doesn't like him."


"I feel bad about nearly killing Jen. But it was my Duty to the Mistress if it could have ended her danger and Jen understands that. She've done the same, maybe. Though she is a little too sweet on those things sometimes. I wonder...You know..." she eyes camera. "If Van Helsing is so keen on helping us, maybe putting some of us in danger...Or an innocent, say my girls?...If there was a threat to them? Maybe we could still force him to back off and get his people to do so? I mean maybe just have us all threaten to commit suicide? Or I could threaten to kill my girls and Martha her boys? He'd have to back off, if he's as good and anxious to save people as he claims to be, right? I know it may sound a little harsh to threaten my own girls but it's only right I offer my own...and there's always Jen's little girl. She ought to be willing to sacrifice Suzette for her Master if she's truly devoted, right? And we wouldn't really have to kill anyone, just convince Van Helsing we were willing to. Which if he is as good a vampire expert as they claim he ought to believe. Certainly not more than one to prove we mean it..."

She looks off, a bit uncertain... "I don't want to hurt anyone but I can't see anyway clear to saving our Overlords if we don't know anything about who's coming to kill them unless we make it clear we're ready to do whatever it takes to save my Mistress and the others. I mean, humans have immortal souls, right? It's not like, if we did have to kill someone to send Van Helsing a message, that they'd be dead forever. But our Overlords would be sent to Hell, if I understand correctly. And Hell's...Well, Hell. We can't let that happen. Besides, I'd be willing to be the one if I must...After I see Devious and learn his game and then see the deal through, natch. Though who knows how much time we have..." she twists hands in frustration.

"Well, the Mistress wants me to rest and she's probably right...Master Nandor told us she and Master Laszlo were all right, so I guess it's best I get some sleep. I'll talk to Erika and the others tomorrow. And see what's up with Susan and our Boss, Gui, in Mexico. God, let them come up with something..." she turns to open her mailbox and takes some mail out. Staring at one and quickly opening, scanning...

"Jesus, this is from Roy...My ex-... Ummn, you guys mind if I finish reading this inside? It shouldn't have anything to do with the Mistress and the others. I'll let you know if there's anything that does. The skunk probably needs money, but I'll be giving this to the police, you can be sure. I'm taking no chances these days." She pauses. "He asks about the girls..." her voice trailing...

"Guys? You're not thralled, right?" Hesitant...

"Am I a monster now?" she eyes them.


Laszlo and Nadja's crypt in the old residence...About one am...

"Well, Nandor stopped by to check on us which nearly sent the lady wife into a fit of hysteria..." Laszlo sighs in armchair.

Nadja, beside him in her own chair, grim look...

"I was not fitting hysterias. I was startled by the knocking on the gate after finally getting to sleep." She grouses.

"Well, in any case..." Laszlo, rolling eyes... "And it did prove I locked the gate, eh?...It was sweet of Jennifer to be concerned for us."

"I suppose..." Nadja, still grim.

"And Nandor, in that damned old uniform...What was he planning to do in that?" Laszlo, chuckling a bit. "Unless he was hoping the Slayer or Hunter would laugh themselves to death."

Nadja, slight smile...

He did look silly.

"Of course I suppose it was rather noble of him to be ready at his post and all that..." Laszlo shrugs. "But I wonder why he'd not donned his armor, even if it's not fully stake-proof, it would shield him from sunlight if they very understandably chose to have an edge like that."

"I don't think he expected to do battle..." Nadja, suddenly nervous. "Laszlo, he was expecting to be defeated...That was his burial shroud." She eyes him.

Laszlo eyes her...


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