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I chuckled softly as I moved Cooper's foot from my face. I turned over and saw Cooper sleeping longways in the bed. I put my hair into a ponytail before going to the kitchen. I took out a box of pancake mix, a pack of sausage, and a couple of eggs before starting to cook breakfast.

"Is breakfast yummy?" I asked Cooper as we ate. He nodded, sticking his finger in a pile of syrup and licking it off. I chuckled softly before grabbing our empty plates. I grabbed a pack of water wipes and wiped off his hands and face.

"Do you want to go to the park?" I asked Cooper as I put clothes on McKinley. He nodded. "Can I bring my trucks?" He looked over at his toy box. "Of course." I stood up, picking up McKinley. "Only bring one though." I watched as he opened it and looked inside. He grabbed one before following me out of his room.

I held Cooper's hand as we walked across the parking lot to the park. There were a few families there. Cooper ran over and started playing with mulch with his bulldozer.

"Jessie!" I heard someone say. I looked up and smiled when I saw Maddie walking to us with Jackson and Rowan. "Hey." I hugged her when she got close enough. Jackson went over to Cooper and started to play with him. Rowan and McKinley looked at each other and started babbling.

"Eat your food." I put down a turkey and cheese sandwich and veggie straws in front of Cooper. He nodded and started eating. I sat down beside Maddie as she fed Rowan a bottle. "It's crazy how big Kinley got." She looked at her. I nodded.

"I think I just make chunky babies." I chuckled. She smiled and nodded. "How was seeing Ryan?" She asked me. I smiled softly. "It was great. Cooper was so happy to see him, he wasn't ready to leave." I sighed. She put her hand on my shoulder. "Yeah. I know it all too well." She sighed too.

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