Chapter 48. Infiltration

Start from the beginning

Until Venom muttered under his breath. "It's gonna be me doing it, not you idiot..." Venom thought. I rolled my eyes. Then finally, an idea hatched in my head. And it involves stealth, swift movement, a rock I found on the pavement as I was hiding behind a car and crates, and some really bad guards.

I picked up the rock slowly yet quickly, and I moved it around my fingers as I was getting a better grip on it. I slightly rises my head, and no one was facing my detection. Yet again, luck was still blessing me. I swiftly rised the rock and I herrled it across the road. It flew high into the air, before falling back down and it made loud yet little clanks along the pavement. "Huh?" The guards patrolling around walk over to where the rock went. Especially the guards that were walking around the fence I needed to go through.

There was my opening! And once they left the area far enough, I made my move. Moving quickly yet quickly! And just me getting up, and way before I even ran. I heart thundered on my chest. Pounding hard. I prayed to the very heavens above to help me sneak into this complex without being caught. Ones I got near the fence, instead of crawling through the hole in the fence, I got down, and slid right though the hole in the fence.
But something made my blood run cold. As ones I slide though the fence, the fence clanged and clatered as my knee and elbows hit the open edges. My eyes widened in pure panic. Especially since I heard "What was that?" "Something's in the base!" And the sound of rapied foot steps. I quickly got to my feet and ran. But the guards had already looked through the fence...

One of the White Fang guards pause. "You....?" The only thing they found, was air. "What the heck?" He questions. One of Roman's men turns to the White Fang guard. "What? I thought-" He was cut off by being smacked in the back of his head. Then a small fight breaks loose. Too bad for them, because if only the looked up, they probably would have been able to find me. But lucky people dont look up. Because that's where I went.

And how I got up the roof of the fortress without being seen? Well, ask Venom. Because right when I was about to start running in panic, Venom fires his tendrils from my back, and instantly rockets me right into the roof of the building. But I again, luckily didn't scream in shock. As well, I was still thinking I'm still on the ground. Trying to run. And by the time I realized I was on the roof, I stood there akwardly. Then, after saying thank you to Venom, with him saying with "Your welcome." I instantly got back to trying  to sneak into the fortress. As the roof of this building was only a catwalk wrapping around a square shape too, with as sensor com on top. As it did a few turns to show it was scanning for something. I slowly and quietly creep my way to the edge or the catwalk were it broke into a right turn. I take the turn, but immediately jerk back. As there was a guard. "Son of a bitch... " I mutter. "The hell I'm I suppose to do here?" I mutter to myself. I think hard to myself. Trying to think of a good plan. And quickly. Because of know these guys are patrol ing around this catwalk, and they ain't sitting around. I kept thinking about my plan as I took ever so gently steps as I creeped towards the guard. I never thought one could be this gentle and careful when walking... But I was doing it.

I move more and more closer to the guard who was patrolling left and right in a slow pace. Searching for anything off. And will be ready to shoot. I was getting very near the guard's position. But not to the point where he would be able to sence my presence. I didn't know what to do. But. A little voice in my head. "Push him off." He says. I swear to God, dose everything this beast suggests involves murder and death? "You crazy!? Everyone here would be able to hear it!" I hissed gently. "Well what else are you gonna do? You not gonna be able to sneak in here if you don't take them out." Venom said. "Well, what do you suggest?" I asks. He gave me a very, amanious single word.


And creep closer to the guard, and ones I got closer...something changed within me. And it was my hands, and forearms. The without me thinking, I launched forward, and with one fluid, and powerful motion.... He was sbibed right off the ledge.. Falling off the tall building.

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