Chapter Seven- Pippa

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He was real. 

He thought that she was a figment of his imagination.

He was following her into town.

He was shirtless.

Pippa nervously bit at her lip. She had only ever talked to Simon and Finchy boy wise, but she had grown up with them so that didn’t really count. Nor did this one if he was actually a figment of her imagination, but something told her that he wasn’t. 

“Where are you from Bellamy, you know, when you’re awake?” She asked him the first thing she could think of that didn’t sound completely dumb.

“Londinium” He said after a moment. 

Londinium? Wasn’t that what London was called in Roman times? 

“You don’t look like a Roman” she laughed 

“What do you mean?” he asked confused. 

“Because London hasn’t been called Londinium for about a thousand years” she explained.

“Oh.” He muttered. “What year is it?” he asked as they entered the town centre.

She raised her eye brows at him. “2016, why? What year are you from?”

He stopped suddenly behind her, turning to face him she saw his face turn ashen.

“What’s wrong?” she asked him. What had she said? She was terrible at talking to guys. God she was so stupid. 

“2016” He said slowly. 

“Yes, I think I know what year it is” she laughed nervously.

“I’m in the year 3409” he said quietly, watching for her reaction.

What. The. Fudge.

3409? She was insane. She was definitely going insane.

“Come with me.” She said leading him into the coffee shop, he followed unquestioningly behind her. “Do you want a Coffee, or a cup of tea?” she asked him as she tried to figure out what was happening to her. Tea always made confusing situations better, and if if it couldn't, it always made you feel better. It's an English thing. 

“Umm. I guess a coffee would be nice.” He replied, taking a seat at the table she had pointed to. 

She walked behind the counter and made herself a cup of tea and poured him out a cup of coffee, they sat in silence, watching each other nervously. 

“So” She started.

“So?” he asked 

“This is my dream. You, Bellamy, are in my dream. It is the year 2016. My name is Pippa White, I am 19 years old and have lived in this town all my life. When I go to sleep I wake up here, that’s the way it’s always been. Its real, it’s all real. I don’t know how but it is.” She rambled, hoping she had covered everything that needed to be said.

“This is crazy.” Bellamy ran his hand through his hair, making it stick out in different directions. “You are in my dream, you have to be. My names Bellamy Jezebel I’m 21 years old and I live in Londinium. It is the year 3409. I looked at this town while I was changing old data to fit our latest technology and I’m dreaming about it. So it can’t be real. It just can’t, it’s impossible.” He stared down at his coffee cup, deep in thought. 

“It feels real though right? The coffee? The chairs, table? Me?” she replied softly. 

“Yeah. It does.” He whispered. They sat in silence for a few minutes, digesting what the other person had said. 

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