Chapter Two- Bellamy Jezebel

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Dreaming. The one time he could close his eyes and turn himself off from the technologies that surrounded him.

Every second of his waking hour he was stifled by the technology that aided him in his day to day activities. During his free time he would read the electronic versions of books that had long since disappeared from the face of this planet, often revelling in their descriptions of life before technology took over. 

How he dreamed to unlock a door with a key and not his fingerprint, walk in and have many rooms to choose from, perhaps the living room? Where he could sit on a chair and listen to music next to a real fire burning real wood, or the kitchen? With a cooker where you would take natural food and prepare the meal you wanted for yourself, not just have it delivered magically through a shoot from goodness knows where.

And a garden. To breathe air that hadn't been regulated, processed and purified. To grow flowers and trees. How he loved dreaming. 

Stuck living in the stark and clean world of Londinium dreaming was a perfect escape, often taking him to the towns and cities from history that he read about. Interacting with its inhabitants, tasting their food and drink, exploring their wondrous architecture and clothing, so different, so individual. From the fabled histories of Ancient Greece and Rome over 4000 years ago, to the start of cyber technology. 

How lucky those people were, living in freedom. Able to travel the world, walk on real grass and breathe clean air all while developing the technologies that no one could live without today. In his dreams 2000 years ago was so much simpler.

But then he would wake up, and go about his day.


UPDATE- I have decided to make it so each change in POV has it's own chapter! SO if you are confused, i hope this clears it up :)

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