Chapter Fourteen- Bellamy

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The swings were a mistake.

He should have realised that swinging backwards and forwards on a full stomach was a bad idea, but Pippa's relentless giggling as they climbed higher and higher by each other's side was something he did not want to stop.

After stumbling from the swings while clutching his stomach, he had taken a rest on a chair nearby, only to find that it, too, moved up and down.

His grappling hands holding onto a metal bar, first shocking then delighting his new friend as she laughed at his innocence at the world around him.

Returning to the ground and staggering safely to the grass which he knew would not move from beneath him he laid down. His mind taking and storing every detail of his dream. From the building with all the food, the chair with the wheels, all of the food and eating it on the ground. The play area, Pippa.
Her smiles, laughs, giggles. Their serious conversations, the way her brows creased and nose scrunched as she thought hard. Her wide smile, bright eyes and the pink blush that stained her cheeks as he joked and laughed with her.

Staring into the sky, watching the clouds form shapes and breathing in the warm air. Savouring the light breeze that tickled the hair on his arms. How he wished everyone in his time could experience this. The world. The real world. Outside of the cities bubble.
He felt Pippa lay down by his side, joining him in the silence that had now befallen them.

The tiredness telling them that it was almost time to wake up in their own worlds had washed over them. He groaned at the knowledge of what his day would entail.

"When you wake up, what will you be doing?" He asked Pippa, hoping she would be having a better day than he was going to have.

She shrugged, yawning as she turned to face him. Snuggling closer to him she scraped her nose as the blades of grass tickled her.

"It's Saturday, my grandparents will be coming over for dinner. That's usually an eventful few hours." She smiled wryly. "What about you? How do handsome young men spend their weekends in the future?"

Bellamy held back his grin. She thought he was handsome. It took everything within him to not shout out in glee. But he didn't. Because that would be weird.

He cringed, remembering what Pippa had successfully distracted him from for a brief minute.

"I have been summoned to dinner with my parents." Pippa smiled at him apologetically, his distaste at spending time with his parents evident.

"Just twelve more hours and we will be here, together again." Pippa said, knowing the thought would cheer him up.

"Now there is a happy thought." He murmered, a heavy wave of exhaustion falling over him.

Pippa giggled again, snuggling into his side as he wrapped an arm around her.

"I hope that you have a good day Bellamy, and that dinner with your parents isn't too painful." She whispered in his warm too tired to say anything louder.

"And I hope that you have a good day with your family." He replied, whispering back.

The last thing he saw as the darkness of sleep consumed him were her lips, curling up into a small smile. Their breathing falling into a soft rhythm as they drifted into the nether land between sleep and consciousness.

It's a short one this time! It was my birthday last Thursday so I didn't have much time for writing :)
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