Chapter Ten- Bellamy

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His alarm beeped, jolting him from his peaceful slumber. He had felt like he was floating, soaring above the sky. His heart ached. Rubbing his temples his eyes adjusted to his room as memories of the night flooded back to him. 

Pippa. The beautiful, blonde haired goddess from a time of dreams. His dreams. Quickly looking down his heart sank as he realised he was still in his pyjama bottoms. No sign of the trousers and top he had changed into. It had been a dream. None of it had been real. 

Sighing he laid his head back down onto the pillow to savour the now lingering feelings that had come with visiting that place. Trust his subconscious to take him to a magical place and put in it a magical girl. 

Her face flashed through his mind. She was beautiful. Perfect for him in every way. He let his mind wander, trying to remember every second of the dream. Seeing her for the first time, speaking to her, hearing her laugh and seeing her smile. Eating the amazing food on the sofa, her body so close to his he could barely concentrate on the film. 

But it had been a dream. 

There was no other possibility. Even though it had felt so real and Pippa had tried to convince him it were, it was a physical impossibility. No two minds can connect in a dream consciousness in the same time, let alone across time- he ran a hand through his hair, pulling on the ends, relishing in the distraction of the small amount of pain the motion generated.

His ‘G.i.l.e.s’ system flickered into life. ‘Good morning Bellamy, are you feeling ok? My data records show you have only stayed in bed this late on the 7th of September last year when you were taken ill. Should I call for medical assistance?’ The autonomic voice filled the room. 

“No thank you Giles, I am getting up now.” Seeing the time was fast approaching 8:50 he panicked. Jumping out of bed and slinging his Pyjama bottoms down the laundry chute before sliding into his jumpsuit and ordering a slice of toast and jam from the kitchen. 

“Giles, please call my car for me” he ordered as the ping of the kitchen announced the arrival of his grab and go breakfast. Lacing up his boots, toast stuffed in his mouth he raced down the hall as his car pulled up to its docking station. 

He scanned his Iris, and his profile flickered to life on the in car system. “Take me to work” he asked and after strapping himself in the car shot down the building and through the city until it reached his office. Stepping out of the car he saw the clock above Sadie’s desk- 9:02. Her head snapped up at the sound of the door closing behind him. 

“Oh thank you heavens. There you are, did you want to give me a heart attack? You have never been this late before. Ever! I was seriously considering calling for a search party!” Her curly hair normally pinned up to perfection had curls hanging loose and wild around her face. Her eyes wide, alternating with worry, anger and suspicion. 

“Sorry. I got out of bed late. It won’t happen again and I’m sorry for worrying you. If I’m ever going to be a minute late to work again, I promise I will call and let you know.” He smiled softly, her worry a nice surprise. No one had ever been worried about him before. 

At his smile the anger and suspicion melted from her eyes and a smile formed on her lips. “I've left you out your data stick as usual, what would you like for lunch?” Her voice returning to its business tone. 

Still feeling bad about scaring her, he came up with the perfect idea. “I think a table for two at IVI will do nicely.” He chuckled as her gentle smile fell into open shock. 

“Certainly, who are you wanting to take?” She asked picking up the phone and pressing the dial button for IVI.

“You of course, I feel really bad for scaring you. Plus our one year anniversary of working together is coming up soon, you deserve a treat.” He openly laughed as she became stuck for words. 

Dreamers- Book 1Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz