Chapter Forty Two- Bellamy

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A lightning bolt shot through him, shocking him awake.

"Pippa!" He gasped, rocketing up out of his chair, shouting out her name. He had lost her.

He loosened the shirt around his neck, slumping back into his chair, the beat of the music drowning out his shout of anguish.

But it had not stopped the people who were in the same room as him from hearing his cry, or watching his outburst.

"Oh, my goodness!" Sadie said, reaching over to him, passing him a refreshing drink. "Are you ok?!"

He didn't reply, only sipped at the water and stared at the black walls that surrounded him.

"Pippa?" Melody asked, walking over and kneeling in front of him.

Of course, they would question him about her, he had just shouted out a mystery name as he awoke from the worst nightmare of his life. Only it felt as though he was still living in it. "Is she ok?"

"What?" He murmured, his eyes flickering to meet Melody's sympathetic gaze. He racked his brain trying to remember whether he had told her about Pippa before, but he knew he hadn't.

Melody looked to the other two people in the room nervously before meeting his gaze again.

"We know about Pippa. Is she ok?" She replied slowly.

"You know about.... How!?" He asked, confused, angry, hurt and annoyed all at the same time. The emotions swelling and tumbling around inside his mind like a hurricane.

"There is a lot we need to explain to you Bellamy." A new voice said from behind him. Turning, he saw the people outside the door stepping to the side to let a new man through, before closing ranks again to stop others from spying inside. His stomach dropped. What was going on?

Bellamy lost his voice, his throat tightening as the man sat down in front of him, gesturing for the others to re take their seats.

"Hello again, Bellamy Jezebel." He said, twisting his mustache between his fingers as they gazed at each other.

"Who are you?" Bellamy asked, his back stiffening.

"Who I am is of no importance right now, but you will learn soon enough. We are safe, in this space. I know because I designed it. The government cannot spy on us here." The man replied, sitting back comfortably in his chair.

"What is going on?" He asked, looking over first to Sadie, who sat with a bright smile on her face, Melody who kept looking at him as though she knew he had just lost the love of his life and then Justin, who was sat leaning casually back in his chair, matching the demeanor of the man who refused to give his name.

"I will be brief, because there is somewhere you need to be soon. We know you are as fed up with the government as we are. And there are more of the 'we' than I think you could imagine. This city is not what you think it is, Bellamy Jezebel. It is a front, the biggest lie told to mankind in more than four generations. You are being watched, you are being monitored and you are being controlled because you are a threat." The man began.

Bellamy sat, frozen in his chair, not knowing what to think. Was it a trap? Could the government not hear them? Was he really a threat to them?

"You are a threat, because you have a link to a world where freedom is real, and not just an illusion. Your dreams, Bellamy Jezebel, scare them. You are learning things that they want to hide from the rest of us. There is so much that you don't know- but you can know. If you choose to join us, then we will tell you everything."

The man sat forward, eyes gleaming with wonder- or was it humor... it was far to joyful for the situation that they found themselves in right now.

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