Chapter Twenty Nine- Pippa

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"What about this one?" Finchey said, his hand appearing from behind a book shelf, clutching a book.

"Already read it." Pippa replied, laughing as she heard a sigh of defeat from her best friend.

"You have read the entire library- you know that right?" He said, putting the book back on the shelf before coming to stand next to her.

"I guess I have." Pippa replied sadly, scanning her eyes across the last book shelf.

Finchey leaned against the shelf, his expression bored as his eyes wandered to the window.

"When do you think it will stop?" He asked. Following his gaze to the window, she watched as the torrential rain thundered against the large window of the library.

"The news said it would only last a few more days." She replied, walking over to the desk she had left her bag and coat on.

"It only takes a few days for the flooding to start." Finchey replied.

"Let's hope it doesn't come to that." She said. "Anyway, it's just this area. I don't think it will get that bad."

Finchey grumbled as he slid on his coat and fumbled with his umbrella. He had never liked the rain, being cooped up inside was not his idea of fun.

He had jumped at the chance to get out the house this morning to go to town with her, but she knew she was pushing her luck by asking him to spend more than an hour searching for books.

"Come on, let's go and get a cup of tea." She said, waving goodbye to the lady behind the counter who ran the small library.

"Thank god! I thought you would never leave this place!" Finchey teased, receiving a light punch in the shoulder in reply.

Opening up the umbrella, they huddled together as they ran across the road. There were hardly any cars in the street as large puddles of water filled the road and paths from the never ending torrential rain.

The bell tingled above the door as they ran inside, gasping from the torrent of water they had ran through.

"Would you like a towel?" The man behind the counter asked, laughing at their drowned rat appearances.

"That would be amazing, thank you!" Pippa laughed, spotting her reflection in a mirror.

They shrugged off their coats, hanging them up by the door with the umbrella. Gratefully accepting the towel, she patted herself dry and rung out her hair.

"I'm surprised anyone would brave it out today." The man said, handing them some menus before taking back the towel.

"No one else did, she was crazy enough to want to and I was crazy enough to agree." Finchey replied.

"I'll have the green tea and a slice of lemon tart please." She said, shooting Finchey a glare before smiling kindly at the server.

"I'll have a tea, and the largest slice of double chocolate cake you have." Finchey said with a chuckle.

"No problem." The man said, walking back behind the counter.

They sat in comfortable silence, Finchey taking out his phone. Pippa looked out of the window, her mind wandering to when the rain had started.

She would not have guessed that the droplets that had fallen on her cheeks as the time capsule had hit the bottom of the well would have followed her home to become torrential rain.

She had managed to not think about Bellamy today up until now, the events of last night's meet began to play over and over in her mind. They had found the box, and he knew she was real. The whole prospect of him actually existing was something she was still struggling to wrap her mind around.

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