Chapter Twenty Two- Bellamy

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"More tea, darling?"

Bellamy nodded stiffly, his mother's sickly sweet voice the last thing he wanted to hear that day. But he had to, for his own sake. She thought he was crazy.

"Thank you mother." He replied, taking a sip from his cup.

"I must say, its... a surprise to see you. How are you feeling?" Her patronizing tone gave him the urge to roll his eyes, but he squashed it.

Clearing his throat, he waited until she sat down on the dining room chair opposite him to start speaking.

"I am doing perfectly fine, mother. Always am." He replied.

His mother's perfectly lined red lips pursed, her left eyebrow raising, silently questioning his statement.

"That is what I'm here to talk to you about today. I know you think I'm sick, or something. But I need to prove to you I'm not. And I think I've found a way to do that." He said, setting down his tea cup choosing instead to fumble nervously with his fingers.

"Please, Bellamy. I don't think I can take much more of this. You need help! I've spoken to your father on the matter, and he agrees. You rambling on about meeting a 'real girl' in your dreams who is going to stop you from getting married in real life- what will people think?

"Mother!" He snapped, his chair scraping across the floor as he stood up. Taking a deep breath to calm himself down, he began to try to reason with her. "I know it sounds insane- do you think I just readily accepted the fact that I was meeting up with a real person from the past when I fell asleep?

His mother stayed seated in silence, giving him the chance to continue.

"I did my research mother. She is- was- real. So is the town. It's not like any type of dream either- it feels like I'm waking up, and living. Its real. I know it is."

Looking across the table at his mother, he paused, his heart pounding. She still thought he was crazy. He sounded crazy.

"Her name is Pippa White, and she is unlike anyone I have ever met. She was real, mother. I went back into the history documents for 2016, everything is there. Pictures, articles, documentation. I saw her in an old media file when I was working- at least I think I did. I only saw her from behind. That night I woke up in the same town, and there she was. Every night since then it's been exactly the same. Who wakes up in the same place with the same person every night?"

"Even if what you're saying is true, she is dead Bellamy. Long gone. You need to be concentrating on the future!"

Bellamy sighed, nodding slowly. "I know she is, mother. I know that right now there is no way she is alive. But there are bigger things out there that we can't possibly begin to understand. There is a world outside of this bubble!"

"Never speak like that again. You know the consequences. This bubble keeps us safe from the world outside- why do you think only the drones can leave? The world isn't as complex and questionable as you believe- where you got those ideas from in the first place is beyond me!"

He gritted his teeth. "This is happening- I don't know how it's possible, but there has to be an answer."

"Bellamy, you must know how absolutely ludicrous this sounds." His mother butted in, her knuckles at her forehead rubbing her temple exasperatedly.

"Of course I know that! It is utterly and completely insane. But what if? What If it's not just in my dreams, and somehow this is actually happening?"

"Enough!" the table shuddered, tea cup shaking, as his mother slammed her hands down onto the table. "I've put some thought into it. The hospital has a number of private rooms where you can stay for a short while. Just until we've done any tests the need doing. This is for your sake, darling."

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